if (!require("pacman")) install.packages("pacman")
tsibble, fable,
feasts, tsibbledata,
rio )
Tidyverse Conversion
Supplement to Introductory Time Series with R
Common Packages
Full list of libraries used throughout the lessons. If you are having issues with a function not getting called correctly, read through the comments and see if anything matches, if not pull packages out of the pacman and individually load them in through library(). Some of the most likely error causeing libraries are tagged in the comments with a note, so start with those unless you have a better idea of what package might be causing the issue.
# Interactive plots
plotly, # Interactive visualizations, loaded before tidyverse so it overwrite dplyr::select(). Note: High conflict Potential
# Core packages
MASS, # MVNorm, loaded before tidyverse so it doesn't overwrite dplyr::select()
tidyverse, # This will also load the dependencies; dplyr, readr, stringr, tibble, tidyr, purrr, forcats, gglot2, & lubridate
# Data manipulation
tsibble, # Tidyverse Temporal data
tsibbledata, # Sample Tsibble datasets
# Statistical modeling (GLS - Chpt 6-7)
nlme, # loaded before feasts to avoid ACF() conflict
tidymodels, # for GLS, This will also load the dependencies; broom, rsample, dials, tune, infer, workflows, modeldata, workflowsets, parsnip, yardstick, & recipies. Note: High conflict Potential
multilevelmod, # for GLS
broom.mixed, # for GLS
# TS modeling and forecasting
fable,# Forecasting Models for Tidy Time Series, Note: High conflict Potential
feasts, # collection of features, decomposition methods, statistical summaries and graphics for tsibble data, Loaded after nlme to avoid ACF() conflict
fable.prophet, # Converts prophet (forecasting) package for fable workflow
# Data exploration & visualization
patchwork, # Multiple plot outputs
ggthemes, # Plot styling
see, # okabeito color scheme
ggokabeito, # colorblind palette
# Reporting & output
kableExtra, # Create nice-looking tables from data.frames
rio, # Easy import/export of data between R and other software
gt, # Grammar of Tables for advanced table creation
quarto, # For generating reports in LaTeX format
# Additional packages
tidyquant # Quantitative analysis tools using tidyverse principles, This will also load the dependencies; PerformanceAnalytics, xts, & zoo. Important Masks: ‘package:base’: as.Date, as.Date.numeric. Note: High conflict Potential
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