Additive Models

Chapter 1: Lesson 4

Learning Outcomes

Use R to describe key features of time series data
  • Import CSV data and convert to tsibble format
Decompose time series into trends, seasonal variation, and residuals
  • Implement additive decomposition
  • Explain how to remove seasonal variation using an estimate for seasonal component of a time series
  • Compute the estimators of seasonal variation for an additive model
  • Calculate the random component for an additive model
  • Compute a seasonally-adjusted time series based on an additive model


  • Read Sections 1.5.4-1.5.5 and 1.6

Learning Journal Exchange (10 min)

  • Review another student’s journal
  • What would you add to your learning journal after reading your partner’s?
  • What would you recommend your partner add to their learning journal?
  • Sign the Learning Journal review sheet for your peer

Converting from a Data File to a Tsibble (5 min)

This is a demonstration of two ways to convert an Excel or csv data file to a tsibble.

deaths_df <- rio::import("")

# Method 1: Create date from scratch based on pattern of rows
# This only works if the data are in ascending order with no missing values
# Note: This file is not in the right order, so this code gives the wrong tsibble
# unless you sort the Excel file before proceeding.
start_date <- lubridate::ymd("2017-01-01")
date_seq <- seq(start_date,
                start_date + months(nrow(deaths_df)-1),
                by = "1 months")
deaths_tibble <- tibble(
  dates = date_seq,
  year = lubridate::year(date_seq),
  month = lubridate::month(date_seq),
  value = pull(deaths_df, Deaths)

# Method 2: Build using the date information in the Excel file
deaths_tibble <- deaths_df |>
    date_str = paste("1", Month, Year),
    dates = dmy(date_str),
    year = lubridate::year(dates),
    month = lubridate::month(dates),
    value = Deaths
  ) |>
  dplyr::select(dates, year, month, value)  |> 

# Create the index variable and convert to a tsibble
deaths_ts <- deaths_tibble |>
  mutate(index = tsibble::yearmonth(dates)) |>
  as_tsibble(index = index) |>
  dplyr::select(index, dates, year, month, value) |>
  rename(deaths = value) # rename value to emphasize data context

This results in a tsibble. The first few rows are given here:

# A tsibble: 6 x 5 [1M]
     index dates       year month deaths
     <mth> <date>     <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>
1 2017 Jan 2017-01-01  2017     1   3034
2 2017 Feb 2017-02-01  2017     2   2748
3 2017 Mar 2017-03-01  2017     3   3164
4 2017 Apr 2017-04-01  2017     4   3238
5 2017 May 2017-05-01  2017     5   3416
6 2017 Jun 2017-06-01  2017     6   3492

Data Visualizations (5 min)

The following time plot illustrates the data in this time series.

Time Series Plot

This is the plot R creates by default

Show the code
autoplot(deaths_ts, .vars = deaths) +  
    x = "Month",
    y = "Traffic Fatalities",
    title = "Traffic Fatalities in the United States (by Month)"
  ) +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))

The vertical axis was adjusted in this plot, so it would begin at 0.

Show the code
autoplot(deaths_ts, .vars = deaths) +
    x = "Month",
    y = "Traffic Fatalities",
    title = "Traffic Fatalities in the United States (by Month)"
  ) +
  coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, 4500)) +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))

Check Your Understanding
  • What do you notice?
    • Does it seem like there is a trend in the time series?
    • Is there evidence of a seasonal effect? If so, when is the number of fatalities particularly high? particularly low?
  • Which of the two time plots above is superior? Why?

Visualization of Seasonal Effects: Side-by-Side Box Plots

These side-by-side box plots illustrate the seasonal effect present in the data.

Show the code
ggplot(deaths_ts, aes(x = factor(month), y = deaths)) +
    geom_boxplot() +
    x = "Month Number",
    y = "Deaths",
    title = "Boxplots of Traffic Deaths by Month"
  ) +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))

Check Your Understanding
  • How do the positions of the box plots correspond to the times of the year where you noted more (or less) deaths occurring?

Computing the Seasonally Adjusted Series (25 min)

Our objective is to find an estimate for the time series that does not fluctuate with the seasons. This is called the seasonally adjusted series.

Centered Moving Average

First, we compute the centered moving average, \(\hat m_t\). This computation was explored in detail in the previous lesson. This code can be used to compute the 12-month centered moving average.

# computes the 12-month centered moving average (m_hat)
deaths_ts <- deaths_ts |> 
    m_hat = (
          (1/2) * lag(deaths, 6)
          + lag(deaths, 5)
          + lag(deaths, 4)
          + lag(deaths, 3)
          + lag(deaths, 2)
          + lag(deaths, 1)
          + deaths
          + lead(deaths, 1)
          + lead(deaths, 2)
          + lead(deaths, 3)
          + lead(deaths, 4)
          + lead(deaths, 5)
          + (1/2) * lead(deaths, 6)
        ) / 12

To emphasize the computation of the centered moving average, the observed data values that were used to find \(\hat m_t\) for December 2017 are shown in green in the table below.

Estimated Monthly Additive Effect

The centered moving average, \(\hat m_t\), is then used to compute the monthly additive effect, \(\hat s_t\):

\[ \hat s_t = x_t - \hat m_t \]

Table 1: Computation of the Centered Moving Average, \(\hat m_t\), and the Estimated Monthly Additive Effect, \(\hat s_t\)

Month Deaths $$x_t$$ $$ \hat m $$ $$ \hat s $$
2017 Jan 3034 NA ______
2017 Feb 2748 NA ______
2017 Mar 3164 NA ______
2017 Apr 3238 NA ______
2017 May 3416 NA ______
2017 Jun 3492 NA ______
2017 Jul 3730 3351.6 ______
2017 Aug 3409 3350 ______
2017 Sep 3572 3343.2 ______
2017 Oct 3629 3326.2 ______
2017 Nov 3408 3316.5 ______
2017 Dec 3391 3318.6 ______
2018 Jan 3010 3312.1 ______
2018 Feb 2734 3308 ______
2018 Mar 3015 3311.7 -296.7
2018 Apr 2979 3313.2 -334.2
2018 May 3443 3307.8 135.2
2018 Jun 3514 3292.4 221.6
2018 Jul 3552 3281.1 270.9
2018 Aug 3490 3270.2 219.8
2018 Sep 3579 3259.5 319.5
2018 Oct 3657 3261.2 395.8
2018 Nov 3250 3264.2 -14.2
2018 Dec 3181 3260.5 -79.5
2019 Jan 2948 3256.7 -308.7
2019 Feb 2535 3262.1 -727.1
2019 Mar 2956 3267.1 -311.1
2019 Apr 3079 3259.3 -180.3
2019 May 3417 3254 163
2019 Jun 3449 3257 192
2019 Jul 3527 3256.7 270.3
2019 Aug 3645 3269 376
2019 Sep 3543 3279.1 263.9
2019 Oct 3506 3252.8 253.2
2019 Nov 3274 3228 46
2019 Dec 3228 3248.2 -20.2
2020 Jan 2895 3294.3 -399.3
2020 Feb 2883 3340.3 -457.3
2020 Mar 2850 3384.7 -534.7
2020 Apr 2555 3433.5 -878.5
2020 May 3346 3481.3 -135.3
2020 Jun 4004 3514.8 489.2
2020 Jul 4078 3549.9 528.1
2020 Aug 4199 3567.7 631.3
2020 Sep 4053 3590.7 462.3
2020 Oct 4169 3672.1 496.9
2020 Nov 3757 3758.2 -1.2
2020 Dec 3550 3793.8 -243.8
2021 Jan 3414 3804.8 -390.8
2021 Feb 2792 3816.6 -1024.6
2021 Mar 3492 3831 -339
2021 Apr 3868 3853.3 14.7
2021 May 4098 3875.5 222.5
2021 Jun 4107 3899.8 207.2
2021 Jul 4240 NA NA
2021 Aug 4320 NA NA
2021 Sep 4276 NA NA
2021 Oct 4482 NA NA
2021 Nov 3977 NA NA
2021 Dec 3914 NA NA
Check Your Understanding
  • Working with your assigned partner, fill in the missing values of \(\hat s_t\) in the table above.

Seasonally Adjusted Means

Next, we need to compute the mean (across years) of \(\hat s_t\) by month. To compute this, it can be convenient to organize the values of \(\hat s_t\) in a table, where the rows give the year and the columns give the month. We will calculate the mean of the \(\hat s_t\) values for each month. We will call this \(\bar {\hat s_t}\), the unadjusted monthly additive components.

The overall mean of these unadjusted monthly additive components \(\left( \bar {\bar {\hat s_t}} \right)\) will be reasonably close to, but not exactly zero. We adjust these values by subtracting their overall mean, \(\bar{\bar {\hat s_t}}\), from from each of them:

\[ \bar s_t = \bar {\hat s_t} - \bar{\bar {\hat s_t}} \]

where \(\bar {\hat s_t}\) is the mean of the \(\hat s_t\) values corresponding to month \(t\), and \(\bar{\bar {\hat s_t}}\) is the mean of the \(\bar {\hat s_t}\) values.

This yields \(\bar s_t\), the seasonally adjusted mean for each month.

Table 2: Computation of \(\bar s_t\)

Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2017 NA NA NA NA NA NA ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______
2018 ______ ______ -296.7 -334.2 135.2 221.6 270.9 219.8 319.5 395.8 -14.2 -79.5
2019 -308.7 -727.1 -311.1 -180.3 163 192 270.3 376 263.9 253.2 46 -20.2
2020 -399.3 -457.3 -534.7 -878.5 -135.3 489.2 528.1 631.3 462.3 496.9 -1.2 -243.8
2021 -390.8 -1024.6 -339 14.7 222.5 207.2 NA NA NA NA NA NA
Mean -350.2 -695.8 -370.4 -344.6 96.3 277.5 361.9 321.5 318.6 362.2 ______ ______
$$ \bar s_t $$ $$~$$ ______ $$~$$ ______ $$~$$ ______ $$~$$ ______ $$~$$ ______ $$~$$ ______ $$~$$ ______ $$~$$ ______ $$~$$ ______ $$~$$ ______ $$~$$ ______ $$~$$ ______
Check Your Understanding
  • The table above gives the values of \(\hat s_t\). Fill in the missing values in the first two rows of the table above. (Note you already computed these.)
  • The second-to-last row (labeled “Mean”) gives the values of \(\bar s_t\). Fill in the two missing numbers. We will call these 12 means \(\bar {\hat s_t}\).
  • Compute the mean of the \(\bar {\hat s_t}\) values. Call this value \(\bar {\bar {\hat s_t}}\) (This number should be relatively close to 0.)
  • Subtract the grand mean \(\bar {\bar {\hat s_t}}\) from the column means \(\bar {\hat s_t}\) to get \(\bar s_t\), the seasonally adjusted mean for month \(t\). (Note that the mean of the \(\bar s_t\) values is 0.)

\[ \bar s_t = \bar {\hat s_t} - \bar {\bar {\hat s_t}} \]

\(\bar s_t\) is the seasonally adjusted mean for month \(t\).

Computing the Random Component and the Seasonally Adjusted Series

We calculate the random component by subtracting the trend and seasonally adjusted mean from the time series:

\[ \text{random component} = x_t - \hat m_t - \bar s_t \]

The seasonally adjusted series is computed by subtracting \(\bar s_t\) from each of the observed values:

\[ \text{seasonally adjusted series} = x_t - \bar s_t \]

Compute the values missing from the table below.

Table 3: Computation of \(\bar s\), the Random Component, and the Seasonally Adjusted Time Series

Month Deaths $$x_t$$ $$ \hat m $$ $$ \hat s $$ $$ \bar s $$ Random Seasonally Adjusted $$x_t$$
2017 Jan 3034 NA NA ______ ______ ______
2017 Feb 2748 NA NA ______ ______ ______
2017 Mar 3164 NA NA ______ ______ ______
2017 Apr 3238 NA NA ______ ______ ______
2017 May 3416 NA NA ______ ______ ______
2017 Jun 3492 NA NA ______ ______ ______
2017 Jul 3730 3351.6 378.4 ______ ______ ______
2017 Aug 3409 3350 59 ______ ______ ______
2017 Sep 3572 3343.2 228.8 ______ ______ ______
2017 Oct 3629 3326.2 302.8 ______ ______ ______
2017 Nov 3408 3316.5 91.5 ______ ______ ______
2017 Dec 3391 3318.6 72.4 ______ ______ ______
2018 Jan 3010 3312.1 -302.1 ______ ______ ______
2018 Feb 2734 3308 -574 ______ ______ ______
2018 Mar 3015 3311.7 -296.7 -365.3 68.6 3380.3
2018 Apr 2979 3313.2 -334.2 -339.6 5.4 3318.6

Class Activity: Computing the Additive Decomposition in R (10 min)

This code calculates the decomposition, including the seasonally adjusted time series, beginning with the tsibble deaths_ts.

Table 4: First Few Rows of the Decomposition of the Traffic Deaths Time Series

# Compute the additive decomposition for deaths_ts
deaths_decompose <- deaths_ts |>
          type = "add"))  |>

First few rows of the deaths_decompose tsibble:

.model index deaths trend seasonal random season_adjust
feasts::classical_decomposition(deaths, type = "add") 2017 Jan 3034 NA -345.223 NA 3379.223
feasts::classical_decomposition(deaths, type = "add") 2017 Feb 2748 NA -690.775 NA 3438.775
feasts::classical_decomposition(deaths, type = "add") 2017 Mar 3164 NA -365.348 NA 3529.348
feasts::classical_decomposition(deaths, type = "add") 2017 Apr 3238 NA -339.567 NA 3577.567
feasts::classical_decomposition(deaths, type = "add") 2017 May 3416 NA 101.371 NA 3314.629
feasts::classical_decomposition(deaths, type = "add") 2017 Jun 3492 NA 282.496 NA 3209.504
feasts::classical_decomposition(deaths, type = "add") 2017 Jul 3730 3351.583 366.944 11.473 3363.056
feasts::classical_decomposition(deaths, type = "add") 2017 Aug 3409 3350 326.527 -267.527 3082.473
feasts::classical_decomposition(deaths, type = "add") 2017 Sep 3572 3343.208 323.652 -94.86 3248.348
feasts::classical_decomposition(deaths, type = "add") 2017 Oct 3629 3326.208 367.173 -64.381 3261.827
feasts::classical_decomposition(deaths, type = "add") 2017 Nov 3408 3316.542 35.506 55.952 3372.494
feasts::classical_decomposition(deaths, type = "add") 2017 Dec 3391 3318.583 -62.754 135.171 3453.754
feasts::classical_decomposition(deaths, type = "add") 2018 Jan 3010 3312.083 -345.223 43.14 3355.223
feasts::classical_decomposition(deaths, type = "add") 2018 Feb 2734 3308.042 -690.775 116.734 3424.775
Check Your Understanding
  • How do these values from R compare to the ones you computed above?
Show the code

The figure below illustrates the original time series (in black), the centered moving average \(\hat m_t\) (in blue), and the seasonally adjusted series (in red).

Show the code
deaths_decompose |>
  ggplot() +
  geom_line(data = deaths_decompose, aes(x = index, y = deaths), color = "black") +
  geom_line(data = deaths_decompose, aes(x = index, y = season_adjust), color = "#D55E00") +
  geom_line(data = deaths_decompose, aes(x = index, y = trend), color = "#0072B2") +
    x = "Month",
    y = "Traffic Fatalities",
    title = "Traffic Fatalities in the United States (by Month)"
  ) +
  coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0,4500)) +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))

Check Your Understanding
  • Do you observe a trend in the time series?
    • What does this trend suggest?
  • In February 2020, there is a spike in the seasonally adjusted time series. Refer to the values in the original time series to explain why this occurred.
  • In April 2020, there is a dip in the seasonally adjusted time series. Refer to the values in the original time series to explain why this occurred.
    • What would explain this phenomenon?

Homework Preview (5 min)

  • Review upcoming homework assignment
  • Clarify questions

