Course Introduction

Chapter 1: Lesson 1

Learning Outcomes

Introduce the course structure and syllabus
  • Get to know each other
  • Describe key concepts in time series analysis
  • Explore an example time series interactively

Introduction to the course structure and Canvas (30 min)

  • Introduction of teacher(s)
  • Introduction of students
  • Syllabus
  • Software: R and RStudio
  • Textbook
    • Cowpertwait, P. S. P., & Metcalfe, A. V. (2009). Introductory Time Series with R. Springer. ISBN 978-0-387-88697-8; e-ISBN 978-0-387-88698-5; DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-88698-5.
  • Supplement to the Textbook
    • Modern R code
    • Time Series (TS) Notebook for in-class activities
  • Lesson cadence
    • Read assigned section(s) from the textbook
      • Assigned sections listed in the TS notebook
    • Reading Journals
      • Record your learning
      • Include all of the following from the assigned reading: vocabulary terms, nomenclature, models, important concepts, and your questions
      • Review another student’s learning journal at the beginning of class
    • In-class Activities
    • Homework
  • Assessment Structure
    • Daily Homework, Multi-week Projects, Three Exams
  • Grading Categories
    • Reading Journal (10%)
    • Homework (40%)
    • Projects (25%)
    • Exams (25%)
  • Grades: 93% = A
  • Calendar
  • Team structure for class activities
    • Random assignment, frequent changes, partner with each student in the class
    • We are all in this together

Class Activity: S&P 500 (10 min)

The time series plot below illustrates the daily closing prices of the standard and Poor’s 500 stock index (S&P 500).

The red line represents the mean for each year. The point for this line was positioned to align with July of the year.

Check Your Understanding
  • What do you observe about the value of the S&P 500 over time?
  • What might be causing this trend?
Check Your Understanding
  • Are there regularly-occurring seasonal trends in the data?
  • Are there some random (stochastic) business cycles observable in the data?
  • How can you explain these observations?
Check Your Understanding
  • Consider closing prices in successive days. Are they independent?
  • Why would there be autocorrelation in the data?

Discuss these vocabulary terms in the context of the S&P 500 example:

  • Time series
  • Sampling interval
  • Autocorrelation (or serial dependence)
  • Trend
  • Seasonal variation
  • Cycle
  • Deterministic vs. Stochastic

Recap (5 min)

  • What is time series data?
    • Define “time series” (e.g. observations collected sequentially over time)
  • Examples of time series data
  • Why ordinary regression fails – correlated error terms
  • Examples of time series from different domains:
    • Daily credit card balance
    • Daily closing stock prices
    • Monthly sales figures
    • Yearly global temperature measurements
    • Secondly wave heights in an ocean buoy
    • Weekly unemployment rates
    • Quarterly GDP estimates
  • Importance of context and subject matter knowledge
  • Role of models (explanation, prediction, simulation)
  • Are there any questions on the course or time series data?

Homework Preview (5 min)

  • Review upcoming homework assignment
  • Clarify questions


Download Assignment


Preparation for the next class meeting

  • Update R and RStudio
  • Access
    • Canvas course
    • Time Series Notebook (Quarto file)
  • Purchase the textbook
  • Read sections 1.1-1.4 in the textbook
  • Obtain a Learning Journal
  • Prepare to share your Learning Journal with another student in the next class meeting