You will keep track of your own homework grade and submit it to me periodically during the semester. You can find the grade tracking template here. I will add assignments dates and homework problems as we move through the semester. The homework needs to be completed and graded two class periods after the assignment date.
Homework Update
Starting on November 7, 2016: With Chapter 7 The class projects that we start in class will need to be completed and turned in on Saturdays. The Friday in class will be due as well on Saturday (by 11:59 pm). Remember we are trying to help you think statistically and to learn steps to complete statistical analysis (R code). Your final will be based on the ideas from the in-class projects which are based on the readings and recommended text book problems below.
Submission Guidelines
- Only Word or HTML documents will be graded (not Rmd).
- Treat your submissions like you are submitting a memo to a client.
- Include a code chunk at the end of your submission that has all of your code but is not evaluated
- In the chunk
will return the r results without echoing (printing) the r commands that made the results. Use this in the memo portion.
- In the chunk
then you can paste code that does not create results but is printed to the memo.
Reading Assignments
Chapter 1
- Introduction to R Setting up and Using R (9/14)
- 1.2, 1.3, & 1.4 Population, Samples, Sampling, and Statistal Measures (9/16)
- 1.5 Graphs for Understanding (9/19)
- Research Question Submission (9/19)
- 1.6 & 1.7 Means, Medians, Variances, & Percentiles (9/21)
- 1.8 Comparative Studies (9/23)
- Review, 1.9, 1.10 Probability & Inference (9/26)
- First Test (9/28)
- In class: Will cover definitions, mean, SD, and Variance equations, and conceptual story problems (Due 9/28)
- Take Home: This portion is open book, open internet, and open teacher/TA (just not open classmate). It will cover the same material as the In Class, but it will be more project based and I will be grading on correct application of concepts learned as well as your reasoning and justification for choices (Due 11:00 AM 10/3, Upload Here)
- 9/30 NO CLASS Due to STEM Job Fair
Chapter 2
- 2.3.3 & 2.4 the Axioms and Properties of Probabilities (10/3)
Chapter 3
- 3.1 & 3.2 Describing a Probability Distribution (10/5)
- 3.3 Parameters and Probability Distributions (10/7)
- 3.3: 3,4,5,7 (at least one of these will be on the next written test)
- Homework R Code
- 3.4.1, 3.4.2 & 3.4.4 Bernoulli, Binomial, Hypergeometric & Poisson Distributions (10/10)
- 3.5 Models for Continuous Random Variables (10/12 & 10/14)
- Design the Study (10/17)
Chapter 5 & 6
- 5.1 5.2, 5.3 & 5.4 Introduction, LLN, Convolutions & CLT (10/19)
- 6.1 & 6.2 Fitting Models Estimation Concepts (10/21 & 10/24)
- Test Review (10/26)
- Second Test (10/28) Here is the upload link
- Regression: Read the following three wiki pages Page 1,Page 2, Page 3: Sections 1-3 (10/31 & 11/2)
Chapter 7
- 7.1 & 7.2 Intro to Confidence Intervals & Definition of Confidence (11/2 & 11/4)
- No problems: Work on Projects with free time.
- 7.3.1-7.3.3 Types of Confidence Intervals (11/4)
- 7.4 & 7.5 Issue of Precision & Prediction Intervals (11/7)
Chapter 8
- Ignore proportion tests
- 8.1 & 8.2 Intro to Hypothesis Tests & Setting Up Test Procedure (11/9)
- 8.2: 1,4,6,10 (There will be multiple choice test questions on setting up NULL and Alternative hypotheses)
- 8.3.1 t-tests for the mean (11/11)
- 8.4 Type I and II Errors & Collect Data Submission (11/14)
Chapter 9 & 13
- Ignore proportion tests and confidence intervals
- 9.1 & 9.2 Two Sample Tests & CIs (11/16)
- 9.2: 3,5 (answers are in back of book)
- 9.5.1 & 9.5.2 Paired Data (11/18)
- Make Inference & Take Action 11/21
- 13.1 & 13.2 SPC Introduction, Xbar and X charts (11/28)
Chapter 10 & 11
- 10.1, 10.2.1, & 10.3 Intro to k>2 poplulations, ANOVA F Test for means, and multiple comparisons (11/30)
- 10.4 (skip 10.4.3) Randomized Block Design Model & ANOVA TEST (12/2)
Design of Expirements (DOE)
In Class Homework Projects