The book goes into a little too much detail for the purposes of our class. We will use the following reading material to cover Design of Experiments (DOE). When I say “use” I mean that the material in the links on this page are fair game for the final. This DOE quick history has the entire history in a one page overview. It is also important that you understand the basic Terms of DOE and a few additional terms. With those background definitions, you can read about the DOE fundamental concepts and get a good picture of DOE. We will use a simple DOE Excel Workbook for 3-Factor 2-level designs (23) that I found on the ASQ Summary of DOE website. Finally, this nice DOE introduction video that gives you a quick overview of DOE.
package (install.packages("")
library(,1,1)), p=2, treatment.names = c("F1","F2","F3"))
# Good article on using lsmeans package