Semester Project
This part of the class is worth 10% of your grade. The first part of the project and the last part of the project are done individually. You can choose to do the project on your own or in a group. Group work is how work gets done in the real world I experienced. All the potential issues you encounter in class happen on the job as well. While many of the soft skills you learn in your group will not be graded they have the potential to be the most valuable skills you can take from your experience in this class (as well as your other classes).
The project is broken up into multiple parts.
You should know that I and the TA are willing to provide as much consulting support as your team would like. However, remember that we are only consultants and that the project is your possession. Details about your project may change over the semester which may change the consulting advice we previously gave. Look to us for guidance but don’t follow our advice blindly.
Research Question
Each of you will be responsible to come up with an interesting research question that you think data can address. Some of you will be selected and be given one minute to present your interesting research question during class. You will make one slide to present to the class. The items below list what needs to be shown on the slide.
Slide Detail
- The interesting research questions
- Why you think it is interesting
- What could be measured to address your research question
Upload your PowerPoint slide here with your student id and last name in the file name.
Design the Study
List the names of your group members. Each person listed here is responsible for this project, both academically and legally.
In a Word document address the following five items. If your research question is easily made into an experiment you can state that items 2 and 3 address items 4 and 5.
- State your groups selected research question.
- What population does your research question address?
- Establish an experimental question that addresses your research question.
- What population will you use for your research question?
- What do you think is the prevailing wisdom about your experimental results?
Submission Page
Design Sample Collection Plan
Each group will not collect data until your project has been approved by me. Your project cannot involve human subjects outside of my classes. I would prefer that you not use human subjects.
Address the items below in a Word document. Submit with the names of all group members at the top of the Word document.
- Which sampling method will your group use (e.g. systematic sample, cluster sample, etc.)?
- Describe in specific detail how your group will collect data using the sampling method stated. The more detail the better. Just stating that it will be Random will earn no credit on this portion.
- What sample size (number of observations) are you planning to obtain from your population?
- If you are doing a study that involves proportions (yes/no questions) then this site can be used to justify your sample size.
- If you are doing a study that involves quantitative measurements then Section 5 of Lesson 10 can be used to justify your sample size.
- How will applying the options in the previous items provide a representative sample for proper inference to your population?
- Will your project involve human subjects (Yes or No)?
- Will you be conducting a survey? (Yes or No)?
Submission Page
Collect the Data
Your group will need to submit two items
- Your final data
- A description of your data collection process
Final Data Sheet
- Download the data sheet and follow the directions listed on the “Description” tab.
- List the names of your final project group members at the top of the second sheet of your Excel workbook
- Provide a short summary of what you learned while collecting your data. Describe where and how you collected your data. Was there a situation you had not anticipated? How did you handle it? Use complete sentences and be coherent in your writing. Type this information on the second sheet of your Excel workbook.
- Attach the data you collected to the first sheet. Please include labels and any explanation needed so that it is clear what your data represents. Work with me to make sure your data is in acceptable format.
Submission Page
Make Inferences & Take Action
Presentation Option
- Step 1: Review your conclusions with a TA or me.
- Step 2: Build your group 5 slide presentation that covers all five steps of the process (5-minute presentation)
Your final project presentation is important. Please come prepared to present this project in a manner that motivates the class to understand why your study matters. We are not reporting information we are trying to get the audience to think and show how statistics can help with the important question at hand.
Your presentation should include the following:
- Title Slide
- Title of your project
- The names of all the members in your group
- Your research question and study question
- Your statistically notated question
- Statement of your null and alternative hypothesis (if needed). State these in words and then in symbols.
- Your confidence interval design (sample size justification) and confidence level
- A description of how you collected your data (pictures are good)
- A description of your data (Plots and tables are good)
- The name and description of the statistical method your group is using for your analysis
- A slide checking your assumptions:
- whether or not your data meets or fails to meet the requirements for your hypothesis test
- If you used a Q-Q plot to check normality include those with explanation
- or write out any formulas you are using to show that your data meets the requirements
- Inference
- State your alpha level.
- Give your test statistic and its value.
- State your P-value.
- Based on your P-value and alpha level, state whether or not the null hypothesis should be rejected or failed to be rejected.
- Make inference in context of the research question
Having incorrect language or items mis-labeled will result in a loss of points Incorrect conclusions or failing to recognize potential limitations of your analysis can result in a loss of points
Paper Option
Build your maximum 750 word project report that covers all five steps of the process Here is an example of a project that shows the structure and format. I (or the TA) can review and provide feedback before you submit for a grade. Remember the audience is me (a statistics geek that is grading you on your comprehension) write your paper such that you can convince me that you learned methods in this class and that you applied them correctly. I expect to see a document with sections, images, and clear wording.
Your report should include the following:
Remember, that I want to enjoy reading this. Find a voice and method to communicate don’t just paste canned information.
- Title of your project
- The names of all the members in your group
- Your research question and study question
- Your statistically notated question
- Statement of your null and alternative hypothesis (if needed). State these in words and then in symbols.
- Your confidence interval design (sample size justification) and confidence level
- A description of how you collected your data (pictures are good)
- A description of your data (Plots and tables are good)
- The name and description of the statistical method your group is using for your analysis
- A slide checking your assumptions:
- whether or not your data meets or fails to meet the requirements for your hypothesis test
- If you used a Q-Q plot to check normality include those with explanation
- or write out any formulas you are using to show that your data meets the requirements
- Inference
- State your alpha level.
- Give your test statistic and its value.
- State your P-value.
- Based on your P-value and alpha level, state whether or not the null hypothesis should be rejected or failed to be rejected.
- Make inference in context of the research question
Submission Page