Name | Section | |
Kristopher Toll | | All |
He will have tutoring hours for our class (meaning he knows, statistics, R and has done the homework problems for our class) on the following days. I recommend you find time to interact with Kris. He can also provide one on one tutoring as needed.
The following materials are required for this course.
This class will follow the policies posted on the Mathematics Department website. These polices cover the
This course has been designed to follow a weekly schedule in which we will complete three lessons a week. We may shift the order of completion for some assignments, and may even extend the deadlines on a few assignments if circumstances warrant it for the whole class.
Due dates and times for all assignments may be found by accessing the Schedule. If you have any questions about when an assignment is due, you should contact me or the TA.
As is typical at BYU-Idaho, the average amount of study time that students will put in per week per credit is 3 to 4 hours. So, for a 3-credit class, we expect students to spend on average between 9 and 12 hours of total study time. For this course, on average, it will take students approximately 9 hours of study time to complete all the learning activities for each week. This is the amount of time that you should expect to put into this class each week if you want to get a passing grade. If you want a higher grade, you may need to put in more study time, maybe even beyond 12 hours per week.
This course will use the standard BYU-Idaho grading scale:
Letter | Percentage | Letter | Percentage |
A | 93-100% | C | 73-77% |
A- | 90-93% | C- | 70-73% |
B+ | 87-90% | D+ | 67-70% |
B | 83-87% | D | 63-67% |
B- | 80-83% | D- | 60-63% |
C+ | 77-80% | F | 0-60% |
Grades will be determined as follows:
We will keep track of grades using GradeTemplate_M330.xlsx. Each of you should download the file and change the name of the file to [student ID]_[last name]_M330.xlsx. For example “54555444_hathaway_M330.xlsx”. At times during the semester you will need to upload these files. Here is the upload link where you can upload your Excel workbook.
We will have two exams during the semester and a final exam at the end of the semester. Each exam will have an in-class portion and there will be a take home portion.
In-class: This portion will be closed notes and book. It will need to be taken during the class period and few to no excuses will be accepted for missing those days. Take Home These problems will be open book, open internet, and at times open partner. They will take a few (maybe many) hours to complete and you should plan accordingly. This part of the exam will be provided the same day the in-class portion is taken.
I will assign homework problems from the book and may provide some problems of my own. You will be responsible to complete the assigned problems and review with a partner in class your solutions. Please download the GradeTemplate_M330.xlsx to keep a record of your homework points. As can be seen on the Excel sheet, homework scoring is as follows.
At times during the course I will ask for your Homework assignments and R scripts to be uploaded. Make sure your uploaded files have your student ID, last name, and homework assignment number. For example, “54555444_hathaway_hw1.R” or “54555444_hathaway_hw1.pdf”. The upload links will be provided on the homework page
These quizzes will cover the previous 3-5 days of class and may have review questions from important material from earlier portions of the class. I anticipate pulling questions from these quizzes to use on the in-class portion of tests.
Class participation is important for a statistics class. Most introductory statistics courses are more similar to a language course. Coming to class will help you hear and speak statistics. On the Participation tab of GradeTemplate_M330.xlsx you will enter a 1 for those items that you completed.
Each of you is responsible for a semester data analysis project. Details on the semester project can be found here. Due dates for the individual portions will be fluid, but the final make inference portion of the project is due the last week of the semester.