
Please note that the steps show rounded numbers, but that the final answers to the problems are calculated without rounding.

Problem Part Solution
1 - Linear, moderate negative association.
2 - Linear, strong positive association.
3 - Linear, moderate positive association.
4 - Nonlinear.
5 - Linear, moderate positive association.
6 - Linear, weak positive association.
7 - c. There is a strong negative linear relationship between the variables.
8 - scatter
9 - Answers will vary. One plausible answer is that it does appear to be linear, with a strong positive association. You may also see slight curve to the data.
10 - r = 0.843
11 - If in answer to question 9 you said that the data appear to show a strong positive association that is supported by r = 0.843 because it is a positive number and it is close to 1.
12 - Sxy = 178, 852, 397
13 - scatter
14 - Answers will vary. One plausible answer is that it does appear to be linear, with a moderate negative association.
15 - r = −0.687
16 - If in answer to question 14 you said that the data appear to show a moderate negative association that is supported by r = −0.687 because it is a negative number and it is right in between 0 and -1.
17 - Sxy = −125, 854, 295