
Selecting Columns

Consider the High School survey data with 60 columns and 312 respondents.

# Load libraries and data


survey <- import('') %>% tibble()

It is likely that we are not interested in analyzing every column in this dataset. Many may even be useless. We can use the tidyverse function, select() to create a subset of the columns that we are primarily interested in.

Recall that we can “pipe” the raw data into tidy functions using %>%. Suppose we want to see if there are differences in reaction times (Reaction_time) for left-handed and right-handed students. We could create a more manageable dataset with only the columns of interest:

survey %>%
  select(Handed, Reaction_time)
# A tibble: 312 × 2
   Handed       Reaction_time
   <chr>                <dbl>
 1 Left-Handed          0.349
 2 Right-Handed         0.358
 3 Right-Handed         0.447
 4 Right-Handed         0.438
 5 Left-Handed          0.542
 6 Right-Handed         0.428
 7 Ambidextrous         0.258
 8 Right-Handed         0.427
 9 Right-Handed         0.412
10 Right-Handed         0.346
# ℹ 302 more rows
Combining Tidy Functions
  1. Click to see how to filter out Ambitextrous participants and reaction time outliers (reaction times less than 1 seconds):
Click to see
clean <- survey %>%
  filter(Handed != "Ambidextrous",
         Reaction_time < 1) %>%
  select(Handed, Reaction_time)

boxplot(clean$Reaction_time ~ clean$Handed, col = c(2,3), ylab = "Reaction Times", xlab="", main = "Distribution of Reaction times for \n Left and Right-hand Dominance")

Which hand dominance appears to have quicker reaction times?