<- w <- rnorm(100, sd = 20)
z for (t in 2:100) z[t] <- 0.8 * z[t - 1] + w[t]
<- 1:100
Time <- 50 + 3 * Time + z
x plot(x, xlab = "time", type = "l")
Chapter 5: Regression
In this chapter various regression models are studied that are suitable for a time series analysis of data that contain deterministic trends and regular seasonal changes. We begin by looking at linear models for trends and then introduce regression models that account for seasonal variation using indicator and harmonic variables. Regression models can also include explanatory variables. The logarithmic transformation, which is often used to stabilise the variance, is also considered.
- Note: The difference in the base R
function and the AIC calculation in the Tidyverts output is a matter of constant terms. The general notion of reducing the value of AIC with your model still holds.
5.2.3 “Simulation in R
” Modern Look
Book code
Tidyverts code
::p_load("tsibble", "fable", "feasts",
pacman"tsibbledata", "fable.prophet", "tidyverse",
<- tibble(w = rnorm(100, sd = 20)) |>
dat mutate(
Time = 1:n(),
z = purrr::accumulate2(
lag(w), w,
0.8 * acc + w,
\(acc, nxt, w) .init = 0)[-1],
x = 50 + 3 * Time + z
) ::as_tsibble(index = Time)
tsibbleautoplot(dat, .var = x)
Show the Tidyverts code in full
pacman::p_load("tsibble", "fable", "feasts",
"tsibbledata", "fable.prophet", "tidyverse", "patchwork")
dat <- tibble(w = rnorm(100, sd = 20)) |>
Time = 1:n(),
z = purrr::accumulate2(
lag(w), w,
\(acc, nxt, w) 0.8 * acc + w,
.init = 0)[-1],
x = 50 + 3 * Time + z
) |>
tsibble::as_tsibble(index = Time)
autoplot(dat, .var = x)
5.3.1 “Model fitted to simulated data” Modern Look
Book code
<- lm(x ~ Time)
x.lm coef(x.lm)
(Intercept) Time
58.551218 3.063275
Tidyverts code
<- dat |>
dat_lm model(lm = TSLM(x ~ Time))
tidy(dat_lm) |> pull(estimate)
[1] 58.551218 3.063275
(Intercept) Time
4.88006278 0.08389621
tidy(dat_lm) |> pull(std.error)
[1] 4.88006278 0.08389621
residuals(dat_lm) |> feasts::ACF(var = .resid) |> autoplot()
residuals(dat_lm) |> PACF(var = .resid) |> autoplot()
5.3.1 “Model fitted to the temperature series (1970-2005)” Modern Look
Book code
<- scan("data/global.dat")
Global <- ts(Global, st = c(1856, 1), end = c(2005, 12), fr = 12)
Global.ts <- window(Global.ts, start = 1970)
temp <- lm(temp ~ time(temp))
temp.lm coef(temp.lm)
(Intercept) time(temp)
-34.920409 0.017654
Tidyverts code
<- tibble(x = scan("data/global.dat")) |>
global mutate(
date = seq(
by = "1 months",
length.out = n()),
year = year(date),
year_month = tsibble::yearmonth(date),
stats_time = year + c(0:11)/12)
<- global |>
global_ts as_tsibble(index = year_month)
<- global_ts |> filter(year >= 1970)
temp_tidy <- temp_tidy |>
temp_lm model(lm = TSLM(x ~ stats_time ))
tidy(temp_lm) |> pull(estimate)
[1] -34.920409 0.017654
2.5 % 97.5 %
(Intercept) -37.21001248 -32.63080554
time(temp) 0.01650228 0.01880572
tidy(temp_lm) |>
`2.5%` = estimate + qnorm(.025) * std.error,
`97.5%` = estimate + qnorm(.975) * std.error
# A tibble: 2 × 8
.model term estimate std.error statistic p.value `2.5%` `97.5%`
<chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 lm (Intercept) -34.9 1.16 -30.0 2.15e-107 -37.2 -32.6
2 lm stats_time 0.0177 0.000586 30.1 4.99e-108 0.0165 0.0188
acf(resid(lm(temp ~ time(temp))))
residuals(temp_lm) |>
::ACF(var = .resid) |>
Show the Tidyverts code in full
global <- tibble(x = scan("data/global.dat")) |>
date = seq(
by = "1 months",
length.out = n()),
year = year(date),
year_month = tsibble::yearmonth(date),
stats_time = year + c(0:11)/12)
global_ts <- global |>
as_tsibble(index = year_month)
temp_tidy <- global_ts |> filter(year >= 1970)
temp_lm <- temp_tidy |>
model(lm = TSLM(x ~ stats_time ))
tidy(temp_lm) |> pull(estimate)
tidy(temp_lm) |>
`2.5%` = estimate + qnorm(.025) * std.error,
`97.5%` = estimate + qnorm(.975) * std.error
residuals(temp_lm) |>
feasts::ACF(var = .resid) |>
5.4.1 “GLS fit to simulated series” Modern Look
Book code
<- gls(x ~ Time, cor = corAR1(0.8))
x.gls coef(x.gls)
(Intercept) Time
58.233018 3.042245
Tidyverts code
::p_load(tidymodels, multilevelmod,
nlme, broom.mixed)<- linear_reg() |>
gls_spec set_engine("gls", correlation = nlme::corAR1(0.8))
<- gls_spec |>
dat_gls fit(x ~ Time, data = dat)
::tidy(dat_gls) |>
[1] 58.233018 3.042245
(Intercept) Time
11.9245679 0.2024447
::tidy(dat_gls) |>
[1] 11.9245679 0.2024447
Show the Tidyverts code in full
5.4.2 “Confidence interval for the trend in the temperature series” Modern Look
Book code
<- gls(temp ~ time(temp), cor = corAR1(0.7))
temp.gls confint(temp.gls)
2.5 % 97.5 %
(Intercept) -39.80571502 -28.49659113
time(temp) 0.01442275 0.02011148
Tidyverts code
<- linear_reg() |>
temp_spec set_engine("gls", correlation = nlme::corAR1(0.7))
<- temp_spec |>
temp_gls fit(x ~ stats_time, data = temp_tidy)
tidy(temp_gls) |>
`2.5%` = estimate + qnorm(.025) * std.error,
`97.5%` = estimate + qnorm(.975) * std.error
# A tibble: 2 × 7
term estimate std.error statistic p.value `2.5%` `97.5%`
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 (Intercept) -34.2 2.89 -11.8 3.54e-28 -39.8 -28.5
2 stats_time 0.0173 0.00145 11.9 2.05e-28 0.0144 0.0201
5.5.3 “Example: Seasonal model for the temperature series” Modern Look
Book code
<- cycle(temp)
Seas <- time(temp)
Time <- lm(temp ~ 0 + Time + factor(Seas))
temp.lm coef(temp.lm)
Time factor(Seas)1 factor(Seas)2 factor(Seas)3 factor(Seas)4
0.01770758 -34.99726483 -34.98801824 -35.01002165 -35.01227506
factor(Seas)5 factor(Seas)6 factor(Seas)7 factor(Seas)8 factor(Seas)9
-35.03369513 -35.02505965 -35.02689640 -35.02476092 -35.03831988
factor(Seas)10 factor(Seas)11 factor(Seas)12
-35.05248996 -35.06557670 -35.04871900
Tidyverts code
<- temp_tidy |>
temp_tidy mutate(month = factor(month(date)))
<- temp_tidy |>
temp_lm model(TSLM(x ~ 0 + stats_time + month))
temp_lm tidy() |>
[1] 0.01770758 -34.99726483 -34.98801824 -35.01002165 -35.01227506
[6] -35.03369513 -35.02505965 -35.02689640 -35.02476092 -35.03831988
[11] -35.05248996 -35.06557670 -35.04871900
<- seq(2006, len = 2 * 12, by = 1/12)
new.t <- coef(temp.lm)[1]
alpha <- rep(coef(temp.lm)[2:13], 2)
beta * new.t + beta)[1:4] (alpha
factor(Seas)1 factor(Seas)2 factor(Seas)3 factor(Seas)4
0.5241458 0.5348681 0.5143403 0.5135625
<- tibble(
new_dat stats_time = c(2006 + c(0:11)/12, 2007 + c(0:11)/12),
month = factor(rep(1:12, 2)),
alpha = tidy(temp_lm) |> slice(1) |> pull(estimate),
beta = rep(tidy(temp_lm) |> slice(2:13) |> pull(estimate), 2))
new_dat mutate(estimate = alpha * stats_time + beta) |>
# A tibble: 4 × 5
stats_time month alpha beta estimate
<dbl> <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 2006 1 0.0177 -35.0 0.524
2 2006. 2 0.0177 -35.0 0.535
3 2006. 3 0.0177 -35.0 0.514
4 2006. 4 0.0177 -35.0 0.514
<- data.frame(Time = new.t, Seas = rep(1:12, 2))
new.dat predict(temp.lm, new.dat)[1:24]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
0.5241458 0.5348681 0.5143403 0.5135625 0.4936181 0.5037292 0.5033681 0.5069792
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
0.4948958 0.4822014 0.4705903 0.4889236 0.5418534 0.5525756 0.5320479 0.5312701
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
0.5113256 0.5214367 0.5210756 0.5246867 0.5126034 0.4999090 0.4882979 0.5066312
temp_lm forecast(new_data=as_tsibble(new_dat, index = stats_time)) |>
[1] 0.5241458 0.5348681 0.5143403 0.5135625 0.4936181 0.5037292 0.5033681
[8] 0.5069792 0.4948958 0.4822014 0.4705903 0.4889236 0.5418534 0.5525756
[15] 0.5320479 0.5312701 0.5113256 0.5214367 0.5210756 0.5246867 0.5126034
[22] 0.4999090 0.4882979 0.5066312
Show the Book code in full
Seas <- cycle(temp)
Time <- time(temp)
temp.lm <- lm(temp ~ 0 + Time + factor(Seas))
new.t <- seq(2006, len = 2 * 12, by = 1/12)
alpha <- coef(temp.lm)[1]
beta <- rep(coef(temp.lm)[2:13], 2)
(alpha * new.t + beta)[1:4]
new.dat <- data.frame(Time = new.t, Seas = rep(1:12, 2))
predict(temp.lm, new.dat)[1:24]
Show the Tidyverts code in full
new_dat <- tibble(
stats_time = c(2006 + c(0:11)/12, 2007 + c(0:11)/12),
month = factor(rep(1:12, 2)),
alpha = tidy(temp_lm) |> slice(1) |> pull(estimate),
beta = rep(tidy(temp_lm) |> slice(2:13) |> pull(estimate), 2))
new_dat |>
mutate(estimate = alpha * stats_time + beta) |>
temp_lm |>
forecast(new_data=as_tsibble(new_dat, index = stats_time)) |>
5.6 “Harmonic seasonal models” Modern Look
Book code
<- seq(1, 12, len = 1000)
TIME plot(TIME, sin(2 * pi * TIME/12), type = "l")
Tidyverts code
<- tibble(
dat TIME = seq(1, 12, len = 1000),
y1 = sin(2 * pi * TIME/12),
y2 = sin(2 * pi * TIME/12) + 0.2 * sin(2 * pi * 2 *
/12) + 0.1 * sin(2 * pi * 4 * TIME/12) + 0.1 *
TIMEcos(2 * pi * 4 * TIME/12))
ggplot(dat, aes(x = TIME, y = y1)) + geom_line()
plot(TIME, sin(2 * pi * TIME/12) + 0.2 * sin(2 * pi * 2 *
/12) + 0.1 * sin(2 * pi * 4 * TIME/12) + 0.1 *
TIMEcos(2 * pi * 4 * TIME/12), type = "l")
ggplot(dat, aes(x = TIME, y = y2)) + geom_line()
Show the Tidyverts code in full
dat <- tibble(
TIME = seq(1, 12, len = 1000),
y1 = sin(2 * pi * TIME/12),
y2 = sin(2 * pi * TIME/12) + 0.2 * sin(2 * pi * 2 *
TIME/12) + 0.1 * sin(2 * pi * 4 * TIME/12) + 0.1 *
cos(2 * pi * 4 * TIME/12))
ggplot(dat, aes(x = TIME, y = y1)) + geom_line()
ggplot(dat, aes(x = TIME, y = y2)) + geom_line()
5.6.1 “Simulation” Modern Look
Book code
<- 1:(10 * 12)
TIME <- rnorm(10 * 12, sd = 0.5)
w <- 0.1 + 0.005 * TIME + 0.001 * TIME^2
Trend <- sin(2*pi*TIME/12) + 0.2*sin(2*pi*2*TIME/12) +
Seasonal 0.1*sin(2*pi*4*TIME/12) + 0.1*cos(2*pi*4*TIME/12)
<- Trend + Seasonal + w
x plot(x, type = "l")
Tidyverts code
<- tibble(
dat TIME = 1:(10 * 12),
w = rnorm(10 * 12, sd = .5),
trend = 0.1 + .005 * TIME + 0.001 * TIME^2,
seasonal = sin(2 * pi * TIME / 12) +
0.2 * sin(2 * pi * 2 * TIME / 12) +
0.1 * sin(2 * pi * 4 * TIME / 12) +
0.1 * cos(2 * pi * 4 * TIME / 12),
x = trend + seasonal + w
ggplot(dat, aes(y = x, x = TIME)) + geom_line()
Show the Book code in full
Show the Tidyverts code in full
dat <- tibble(
TIME = 1:(10 * 12),
w = rnorm(10 * 12, sd = .5),
trend = 0.1 + .005 * TIME + 0.001 * TIME^2,
seasonal = sin(2 * pi * TIME / 12) +
0.2 * sin(2 * pi * 2 * TIME / 12) +
0.1 * sin(2 * pi * 4 * TIME / 12) +
0.1 * cos(2 * pi * 4 * TIME / 12),
x = trend + seasonal + w
ggplot(dat, aes(y = x, x = TIME)) + geom_line()
5.6.2 “Fit to simulated series” Modern Look
Book code
<- COS <- matrix(nr = length(TIME), nc = 6)
SIN for (i in 1:6) {
<- cos(2 * pi * i * TIME / 12)
COS[, i] <- sin(2 * pi * i * TIME / 12)
SIN[, i]
}<- lm(x ~ TIME + I(TIME^2) + COS[, 1] + SIN[, 1] +
x.lm1 2] + SIN[,2] + COS[,3] + SIN[,3] + COS[,4] + SIN[, 4] +
COS[,5] + SIN[, 5] + COS[, 6] + SIN[, 6])
coef(x.lm1) / sqrt(diag(vcov(x.lm1)))
(Intercept) TIME I(TIME^2) COS[, 1] SIN[, 1] COS[, 2]
1.2390758 1.1251009 25.9327225 0.3277392 15.4421534 -0.5146340
SIN[, 2] COS[, 3] SIN[, 3] COS[, 4] SIN[, 4] COS[, 5]
3.4468638 0.2317971 -0.7027374 0.2276281 1.0525106 -1.1501059
SIN[, 5] COS[, 6] SIN[, 6]
0.8573584 -0.3100116 0.3823830
Tidyverts code
<- dat |>
dat mutate(
cos1 = cos(2 * pi * 1 * TIME/12),
cos2 = cos(2 * pi * 2 * TIME/12),
cos3 = cos(2 * pi * 3 * TIME/12),
cos4 = cos(2 * pi * 4 * TIME/12),
cos5 = cos(2 * pi * 5 * TIME/12),
cos6 = cos(2 * pi * 6 * TIME/12),
sin1 = sin(2 * pi * 1 * TIME/12),
sin2 = sin(2 * pi * 2 * TIME/12),
sin3 = sin(2 * pi * 3 * TIME/12),
sin4 = sin(2 * pi * 4 * TIME/12),
sin5 = sin(2 * pi * 5 * TIME/12),
sin6 = sin(2 * pi * 6 * TIME/12)) |>
as_tsibble(index = TIME)
<- dat |>
dat_lm1 model(full = TSLM(x ~ TIME + I(TIME^2) +
+ cos2 + cos3 + cos4 + cos5 + cos6 +
cos1 + sin2 + sin3 + sin4 + sin5 + sin6))
dat_lm1 tidy() |>
mutate(estimate / std.error) |>
[1] 1.2390758 1.1251009 25.9327225 0.3277392 -0.5146340 0.2317971
[7] 0.2276281 -1.1501059 -0.3100116 15.4421534 3.4468638 -0.7027374
[13] 1.0525106 0.8573584 0.3823830
<- lm(x ~ I(TIME^2) + SIN[, 1] + SIN[, 2])
x.lm2 coef(x.lm2)/sqrt(diag(vcov(x.lm2)))
(Intercept) I(TIME^2) SIN[, 1] SIN[, 2]
4.627904 111.143693 15.786425 3.494708
<- dat |>
dat_lm2 model(reduced = TSLM(x ~ I(TIME^2) + sin1 + sin2))
dat_lm2 tidy() |>
mutate(estimate / std.error) |>
[1] 4.627904 111.143693 15.786425 3.494708
(Intercept) I(TIME^2) SIN[, 1] SIN[, 2]
0.280403915 0.001036409 0.900206804 0.198862866
dat_lm2 tidy() |>
[1] 0.280403915 0.001036409 0.900206804 0.198862866
c(AIC(x.lm1), AIC(x.lm2),
AIC(lm(x ~ TIME + I(TIME^2) + SIN[,1] +
2] +SIN[,4] +COS[,4]))) SIN[,
[1] 165.3527 149.7256 153.0309
<- dat |>
model_three model(
all = TSLM(x ~ TIME + I(TIME^2) +
+ cos2 + cos3 + cos4 + cos5 + cos6 +
cos1 + sin2 + sin3 + sin4 + sin5 + sin6),
sin1 signif = TSLM(x ~ I(TIME^2) + sin1 + sin2),
actual = TSLM(x ~ TIME + I(TIME^2) + sin1 + sin2 + sin4 + cos4))
glance(model_three) |> select(.model, AIC, AICc, BIC)
# A tibble: 3 × 4
.model AIC AICc BIC
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 all -175. -170. -131.
2 signif -191. -190. -177.
3 actual -188. -186. -165.
Show the Book code in full
SIN <- COS <- matrix(nr = length(TIME), nc = 6)
for (i in 1:6) {
COS[, i] <- cos(2 * pi * i * TIME / 12)
SIN[, i] <- sin(2 * pi * i * TIME / 12)
x.lm1 <- lm(x ~ TIME + I(TIME^2) + COS[, 1] + SIN[, 1] +
COS[,2] + SIN[,2] + COS[,3] + SIN[,3] + COS[,4] +
SIN[, 4] + COS[, 5] + SIN[, 5] + COS[, 6] + SIN[, 6])
coef(x.lm1) / sqrt(diag(vcov(x.lm1)))
x.lm2 <- lm(x ~ I(TIME^2) + SIN[, 1] + SIN[, 2])
AIC(lm(x ~ TIME + I(TIME^2) + SIN[,1] + SIN[,2] +
SIN[,4] + COS[,4]))
Show the Tidyverts code in full
dat <- dat |>
cos1 = cos(2 * pi * 1 * TIME/12),
cos2 = cos(2 * pi * 2 * TIME/12),
cos3 = cos(2 * pi * 3 * TIME/12),
cos4 = cos(2 * pi * 4 * TIME/12),
cos5 = cos(2 * pi * 5 * TIME/12),
cos6 = cos(2 * pi * 6 * TIME/12),
sin1 = sin(2 * pi * 1 * TIME/12),
sin2 = sin(2 * pi * 2 * TIME/12),
sin3 = sin(2 * pi * 3 * TIME/12),
sin4 = sin(2 * pi * 4 * TIME/12),
sin5 = sin(2 * pi * 5 * TIME/12),
sin6 = sin(2 * pi * 6 * TIME/12)) |>
as_tsibble(index = TIME)
dat_lm1 <- dat |>
model(full = TSLM(x ~ TIME + I(TIME^2) +
cos1 + sin1 + cos2 + sin2 + cos3 + sin3 +
cos4 + sin4 + cos5 + cos6 + sin6))
dat_lm1 |>
tidy() |>
mutate(estimate / std.error) |>
dat_lm2 <- dat |>
model(reduced = TSLM(x ~ I(TIME^2) + sin1 + sin2))
dat_lm2 |>
tidy() |>
mutate(estimate / std.error) |>
dat_lm2 |>
tidy() |>
model_three <- dat |>
full = TSLM(x ~ TIME + I(TIME^2) +
cos1 + sin1 + cos2 + sin2 + cos3 + sin3 +
cos4 + sin4 + cos5 + cos6 + sin6),
reduced = TSLM(x ~ I(TIME^2) + sin1 + sin2),
third = TSLM(x ~ TIME + I(TIME^2) + sin1 + sin2 + sin4 + cos4))
glance(model_three) |> select(.model, AIC, AICc, BIC)
5.6.3 “Harmonic model fitted to temperature series (1970–2005)” Modern Look
- The two full linear models (
andselect(temp_lm_all, lm2)
) have slightly different estimates. However, the reduced models match exactly (temp.lm2
andselect(temp_lm_all, lm2)
Book code
<- COS <- matrix(nr = length(temp), nc = 6)
SIN for (i in 1:6) {
<- cos(2 * pi * i * time(temp))
COS[, i] <- sin(2 * pi * i * time(temp))
SIN[, i]
}<- (time(temp) - mean(time(temp))) / sd(time(temp))
TIME mean(time(temp))
[1] 1987.958
Tidyverts code
<- temp_tidy |>
temp_tidy mutate(
TIME = (stats_time - mean(stats_time)) / sd(stats_time),
cos1 = cos(2 * pi * 1 * stats_time),
cos2 = cos(2 * pi * 2 * stats_time),
cos3 = cos(2 * pi * 3 * stats_time),
cos4 = cos(2 * pi * 4 * stats_time),
cos5 = cos(2 * pi * 5 * stats_time),
cos6 = cos(2 * pi * 6 * stats_time),
sin1 = sin(2 * pi * 1 * stats_time),
sin2 = sin(2 * pi * 2 * stats_time),
sin3 = sin(2 * pi * 3 * stats_time),
sin4 = sin(2 * pi * 4 * stats_time),
sin5 = sin(2 * pi * 5 * stats_time),
sin6 = sin(2 * pi * 6 * stats_time)) |>
as_tsibble(index = stats_time)
[1] 1987.958
[1] 10.40433
sd(pull(temp_tidy, stats_time))
[1] 10.40433
<- lm(temp ~ TIME + I(TIME^2) +
temp.lm1 1] + SIN[,1] + COS[,2] + SIN[,2] +
COS[,3] + SIN[,3] + COS[,4] + SIN[,4] +
COS[,5] + SIN[,5] + COS[,6] + SIN[,6])
COS[,coef(temp.lm1) / sqrt(diag(vcov(temp.lm1)))
(Intercept) TIME I(TIME^2) COS[, 1] SIN[, 1] COS[, 2]
18.2569117 30.2800742 1.2736899 0.7447906 2.3845512 1.2086419
SIN[, 2] COS[, 3] SIN[, 3] COS[, 4] SIN[, 4] COS[, 5]
1.9310853 0.6448116 0.3971873 0.5468025 0.1681753 0.3169782
SIN[, 5] COS[, 6] SIN[, 6]
0.3504607 -0.4498835 -0.6216650
<- temp_tidy |>
temp_lm_all model(
lm = TSLM(x ~ 0 + stats_time + month),
lm1 = TSLM(x ~ TIME + I(TIME^2) +
+ sin1 + cos2 + sin2 + cos3 + sin3 +
cos1 + sin4 + cos5 + sin5 + cos6 + sin6),
cos4 lm2 = TSLM(x ~ TIME + sin1 + sin2))
|> select(lm1) |> tidy() |>
temp_lm_all mutate(calc = estimate / std.error) |>
select(term, calc)
# A tibble: 15 × 2
term calc
<chr> <dbl>
1 (Intercept) 18.2
2 TIME 30.2
3 I(TIME^2) 1.28
4 cos1 0.760
5 sin1 2.37
6 cos2 1.38
7 sin2 1.62
8 cos3 0.644
9 sin3 0.391
10 cos4 0.545
11 sin4 0.170
12 cos5 0.320
13 sin5 0.355
14 cos6 -0.193
15 sin6 0.0608
<- lm(temp ~ TIME + SIN[, 1] + SIN[, 2])
temp.lm2 coef(temp.lm2)
(Intercept) TIME SIN[, 1] SIN[, 2]
0.17501157 0.18409618 0.02041803 0.01615374
|> select(lm2) |> tidy() |>
temp_lm_all select(term, estimate)
# A tibble: 4 × 2
term estimate
<chr> <dbl>
1 (Intercept) 0.175
2 TIME 0.184
3 sin1 0.0204
4 sin2 0.0162
c(AIC(temp.lm), AIC(temp.lm1), AIC(temp.lm2))
[1] -546.9577 -545.0491 -561.1779
glance(temp_lm_all) |> select(.model, AIC, AICc, BIC)
# A tibble: 3 × 4
.model AIC AICc BIC
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 lm -1773. -1772. -1716.
2 lm1 -1771. -1769. -1706.
3 lm2 -1787. -1787. -1767.
plot(time(temp), resid(temp.lm2), type = "l")
abline(0, 0, col = "red")
<- temp_lm_all |>
lm2_res select(lm2) |>
lm2_res autoplot(.vars = .resid) +
geom_hline(yintercept = 0, color = "red")
lm2_res ::ACF(var = .resid) |>
lm2_res ::PACF(var = .resid) |>
<- ar(resid(temp.lm2), method = "mle") $ar
[1] 0.4938189 0.3071598
<- lm2_res |>
res_ar select(-.model) |>
model(resid = AR(.resid ~ order(1:2)))
# A tibble: 2 × 6
.model term estimate std.error statistic p.value
<chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 resid ar1 0.486 0.0460 10.6 2.64e-23
2 resid ar2 0.305 0.0459 6.64 9.30e-11
[1] 0.08373324
sd(pull(residuals(res_ar), .resid), na.rm = TRUE)
[1] 0.08372416
residuals(res_ar) |>
::ACF(var = .resid) |>
Show the Book code in full
SIN <- COS <- matrix(nr = length(temp), nc = 6)
for (i in 1:6) {
COS[, i] <- cos(2 * pi * i * time(temp))
SIN[, i] <- sin(2 * pi * i * time(temp))
TIME <- (time(temp) - mean(time(temp))) / sd(time(temp))
temp.lm1 <- lm(temp ~ TIME + I(TIME^2) +
COS[,1] + SIN[,1] + COS[,2] + SIN[,2] +
COS[,3] + SIN[,3] + COS[,4] + SIN[,4] +
COS[,5] + SIN[,5] + COS[,6] + SIN[,6])
temp.lm2 <- lm(temp ~ TIME + SIN[, 1] + SIN[, 2])
plot(time(temp), resid(temp.lm2), type = "l")
abline(0, 0, col = "red")
pacf(resid(temp.lm2)) <- ar(resid(temp.lm2), method = "mle")$ar
Show the Tidyverts code in full
temp_tidy <- temp_tidy |>
TIME = (stats_time - mean(stats_time)) / sd(stats_time),
cos1 = cos(2 * pi * 1 * stats_time),
cos2 = cos(2 * pi * 2 * stats_time),
cos3 = cos(2 * pi * 3 * stats_time),
cos4 = cos(2 * pi * 4 * stats_time),
cos5 = cos(2 * pi * 5 * stats_time),
cos6 = cos(2 * pi * 6 * stats_time),
sin1 = sin(2 * pi * 1 * stats_time),
sin2 = sin(2 * pi * 2 * stats_time),
sin3 = sin(2 * pi * 3 * stats_time),
sin4 = sin(2 * pi * 4 * stats_time),
sin5 = sin(2 * pi * 5 * stats_time),
sin6 = sin(2 * pi * 6 * stats_time)) |>
as_tsibble(index = stats_time)
sd(pull(temp_tidy, stats_time))
temp_lm_all <- temp_tidy |>
lm = TSLM(x ~ 0 + stats_time + month),
lm1 = TSLM(x ~ TIME + I(TIME^2) +
cos1 + cos2 + cos3 + cos4 + cos5 + cos6 +
sin1 + sin2 + sin3 + sin4 + sin5 + sin6),
lm2 = TSLM(x ~ TIME + sin1 + sin2))
temp_lm_all |> select(lm1) |> tidy() |>
mutate(calc = estimate / std.error) |>
select(term, calc)
glance(temp_lm_all) |> select(.model, AIC, AICc, BIC)
lm2_res <- temp_lm_all |>
select(lm2) |>
lm2_res |>
autoplot(.vars = .resid) +
geom_hline(yintercept = 0, color = "red")
lm2_res |>
feasts::ACF(var = .resid) |>
lm2_res |>
feasts::PACF(var = .resid) |>
res_ar <- lm2_res |>
select(-.model) |>
model(resid = AR(.resid ~ order(1:2)))
sd(pull(residuals(res_ar), .resid), na.rm = TRUE)
residuals(res_ar) |>
feasts::ACF(var = .resid) |>
5.7.2 “Example using the air passenger series” Modern Look
- The two full linear models (
andselect(ap_lm, lm1)
) have slightly different estimates. However, the reduced models match exactly (AP.lm2
andselect(ap_lm, lm2)
). - The Autogressive fit to the
models is different. One fits with a mean, and one fits without a mean. Additionally, one is using OLS, and the other is using MLE.
Book code
<- AirPassengers
AP <- COS <- matrix(nr = length(AP), nc = 6)
SIN for (i in 1:6) {
<- sin(2 * pi * i * time(AP))
SIN[, i] <- cos(2 * pi * i * time(AP))
COS[, i]
<- (time(AP) - mean(time(AP)))/sd(time(AP))
Tidyverts code
<- as_tsibble(AirPassengers) |>
ap mutate(
Year = year(index),
Month = month(index),
stats_time = Year + (Month - 1)/12,
TIME = (stats_time - mean(stats_time)) / sd(stats_time),
cos1 = cos(2 * pi * 1 * stats_time),
cos2 = cos(2 * pi * 2 * stats_time),
cos3 = cos(2 * pi * 3 * stats_time),
cos4 = cos(2 * pi * 4 * stats_time),
cos5 = cos(2 * pi * 5 * stats_time),
cos6 = cos(2 * pi * 6 * stats_time),
sin1 = sin(2 * pi * 1 * stats_time),
sin2 = sin(2 * pi * 2 * stats_time),
sin3 = sin(2 * pi * 3 * stats_time),
sin4 = sin(2 * pi * 4 * stats_time),
sin5 = sin(2 * pi * 5 * stats_time),
sin6 = sin(2 * pi * 6 * stats_time)) |>
as_tsibble(index = stats_time)
autoplot(ap, .vars = log(value))
c(mean(time(AP)), sd(time(AP)))
[1] 1954.958333 3.476109
c(mean(pull(ap, stats_time)),
sd(pull(ap, stats_time)))
[1] 1954.958333 3.476109
<- lm(log(AP) ~ TIME + I(TIME^2) + I(TIME^3) +
AP.lm1 I(TIME^4) + SIN[,1] + COS[,1] + SIN[,2] + COS[,2] +
3] + COS[,3] + SIN[,4] + COS[,4] +
SIN[,5] + COS[,5] + SIN[,6] + COS[,6])
SIN[,<- lm(log(AP) ~ TIME + I(TIME^2) +
AP.lm2 1] + COS[,1] + SIN[,2] + COS[,2] +
SIN[,3] + SIN[,4] + COS[,4] + SIN[,5])
list(lm1 = coef(AP.lm1)/sqrt(diag(vcov(AP.lm1))),
lm2 = coef(AP.lm2)/sqrt(diag(vcov(AP.lm2))))
(Intercept) TIME I(TIME^2) I(TIME^3) I(TIME^4) SIN[, 1]
741.88611010 42.33701405 -4.15995145 -0.74932492 1.86850936 4.86959429
COS[, 1] SIN[, 2] COS[, 2] SIN[, 3] COS[, 3] SIN[, 4]
-25.43917945 10.39544938 9.83043452 -4.84196512 -1.51378621 -5.66320251
COS[, 4] SIN[, 5] COS[, 5] SIN[, 6] COS[, 6]
1.91354935 -3.76145265 1.01896758 0.07897041 -0.47003062
(Intercept) TIME I(TIME^2) SIN[, 1] COS[, 1] SIN[, 2]
922.625445 103.520628 -8.235569 4.916041 -25.813114 10.355319
COS[, 2] SIN[, 3] SIN[, 4] COS[, 4] SIN[, 5]
9.961335 -4.789997 -5.612235 1.949391 -3.730666
<- ap |>
ap_lm model(
lm1 = TSLM(log(value) ~ TIME +
I(TIME^2) + I(TIME^3) + I(TIME^4) +
+ cos1 + sin2 + cos2 + sin3 + cos3 +
sin1 + cos4 + sin5 + cos5 + sin6 + cos6),
sin4 lm2 = TSLM(log(value) ~ TIME + I(TIME^2) + sin1 + cos1 +
+ cos2 + sin3 + sin4 + cos4 + sin5))
tidy(ap_lm) |>
mutate(calc = estimate / std.error) |>
select(.model, term, estimate, std.error, calc) |>
print(n = 30)
# A tibble: 28 × 5
.model term estimate std.error calc
<chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 lm1 (Intercept) 5.59e+0 7.50e-3 745.
2 lm1 TIME 4.27e-1 1.01e-2 42.4
3 lm1 I(TIME^2) -6.55e-2 1.58e-2 -4.14
4 lm1 I(TIME^3) -3.87e-3 5.19e-3 -0.745
5 lm1 I(TIME^4) 1.10e-2 5.95e-3 1.85
6 lm1 sin1 2.78e-2 5.70e-3 4.87
7 lm1 cos1 -1.48e-1 5.67e-3 -26.1
8 lm1 sin2 5.92e-2 6.57e-3 9.01
9 lm1 cos2 5.66e-2 5.66e-3 10.0
10 lm1 sin3 -2.74e-2 5.66e-3 -4.84
11 lm1 cos3 -8.81e-3 5.67e-3 -1.55
12 lm1 sin4 -3.21e-2 5.66e-3 -5.67
13 lm1 cos4 1.10e-2 5.66e-3 1.94
14 lm1 sin5 -2.13e-2 5.67e-3 -3.76
15 lm1 cos5 5.81e-3 5.66e-3 1.03
16 lm1 sin6 -1.02e+8 9.91e+8 -0.103
17 lm1 cos6 -3.26e-3 4.76e-3 -0.684
18 lm2 (Intercept) 5.58e+0 6.05e-3 923.
19 lm2 TIME 4.20e-1 4.06e-3 104.
20 lm2 I(TIME^2) -3.74e-2 4.54e-3 -8.24
21 lm2 sin1 2.81e-2 5.71e-3 4.92
22 lm2 cos1 -1.47e-1 5.70e-3 -25.8
23 lm2 sin2 5.91e-2 5.70e-3 10.4
24 lm2 cos2 5.68e-2 5.70e-3 9.96
25 lm2 sin3 -2.73e-2 5.70e-3 -4.79
26 lm2 sin4 -3.20e-2 5.70e-3 -5.61
27 lm2 cos4 1.11e-2 5.70e-3 1.95
28 lm2 sin5 -2.13e-2 5.70e-3 -3.73
c(AIC(AP.lm1), AIC(AP.lm2))
[1] -447.9290 -451.0749
glance(ap_lm) |> select(.model, AIC, AICc, BIC)
# A tibble: 2 × 4
.model AIC AICc BIC
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 lm1 -857. -851. -803.
2 lm2 -860. -857. -824.
ap_lm select(lm2) |>
residuals() |>
::ACF() |>
<- gls(log(AP) ~ TIME + I(TIME^2) + SIN[,1] + COS[,1] +
AP.gls 2] + COS[,2] + SIN[,3] + SIN[,4] + COS[,4] + SIN[,5],
SIN[,cor = corAR1(0.6))
(Intercept) TIME I(TIME^2) SIN[, 1] COS[, 1] SIN[, 2]
398.841575 45.850520 -3.651287 3.299713 -18.177844 11.768934
COS[, 2] SIN[, 3] SIN[, 4] COS[, 4] SIN[, 5]
11.432678 -7.630660 -10.749938 3.571395 -7.920777
<- linear_reg() |>
ap_gls set_engine("gls", correlation = nlme::corAR1(0.6)) |>
fit(log(value) ~ TIME + I(TIME^2) + sin1 + cos1 +
+ cos2 + sin3 + sin4 + cos4 + sin5, data = ap)
::tidy(ap_gls) |>
broom.mixedmutate(calc = estimate / std.error) |>
select(term, estimate, std.error, calc)
# A tibble: 11 × 4
term estimate std.error calc
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 (Intercept) 5.58 0.0140 399.
2 TIME 0.418 0.00913 45.9
3 I(TIME^2) -0.0364 0.00996 -3.65
4 sin1 0.0270 0.00819 3.30
5 cos1 -0.147 0.00810 -18.2
6 sin2 0.0584 0.00496 11.8
7 cos2 0.0565 0.00494 11.4
8 sin3 -0.0277 0.00363 -7.63
9 sin4 -0.0322 0.00300 -10.7
10 cos4 0.0107 0.00301 3.57
11 sin5 -0.0214 0.00270 -7.92
<- ar(resid(AP.lm2), order = 1, method = "mle") $ar
[1] 0.6410685
<- augment(ap_gls, ap) |>
ap_ar as_tsibble(index = stats_time) |>
model(resid = AR(.resid ~ order(1)))
# A tibble: 2 × 6
.model term estimate std.error statistic p.value
<chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 resid constant 13.5 6.97 1.94 5.50e- 2
2 resid ar1 0.959 0.0234 41.1 1.14e-80
residuals(ap_ar) |>
::ACF(.var = .resid) |>
Show the Book code in full
AP <- AirPassengers
SIN <- COS <- matrix(nr = length(AP), nc = 6)
for (i in 1:6) {
SIN[, i] <- sin(2 * pi * i * time(AP))
COS[, i] <- cos(2 * pi * i * time(AP))
TIME <- (time(AP) - mean(time(AP)))/sd(time(AP))
AP.lm1 <- lm(log(AP) ~ TIME + I(TIME^2) + I(TIME^3) + I(TIME^4) +
SIN[,1] + COS[,1] + SIN[,2] + COS[,2] + SIN[,3] + COS[,3] +
SIN[,4] + COS[,4] + SIN[,5] + COS[,5] + SIN[,6] + COS[,6])
AP.lm2 <- lm(log(AP) ~ TIME + I(TIME^2) + SIN[,1] + COS[,1] +
SIN[,2] + COS[,2] + SIN[,3] + SIN[,4] + COS[,4] + SIN[,5])
list(lm1 = coef(AP.lm1)/sqrt(diag(vcov(AP.lm1))),
lm2 = coef(AP.lm2)/sqrt(diag(vcov(AP.lm2))))
c(AIC(AP.lm1), AIC(AP.lm2))
AP.gls <- gls(log(AP) ~ TIME + I(TIME^2) + SIN[,1] + COS[,1] +
SIN[,2] + COS[,2] + SIN[,3] + SIN[,4] + COS[,4] + SIN[,5],
cor = corAR1(0.6))
coef(AP.gls)/sqrt(diag(vcov(AP.gls))) <- ar(resid(AP.lm2), order = 1, method = "mle")$ar
Show the Tidyverts code in full
ap <- as_tsibble(AirPassengers) |>
Year = year(index),
Month = month(index),
stats_time = Year + (Month - 1)/12,
TIME = (stats_time - mean(stats_time)) / sd(stats_time),
cos1 = cos(2 * pi * 1 * stats_time),
cos2 = cos(2 * pi * 2 * stats_time),
cos3 = cos(2 * pi * 3 * stats_time),
cos4 = cos(2 * pi * 4 * stats_time),
cos5 = cos(2 * pi * 5 * stats_time),
cos6 = cos(2 * pi * 6 * stats_time),
sin1 = sin(2 * pi * 1 * stats_time),
sin2 = sin(2 * pi * 2 * stats_time),
sin3 = sin(2 * pi * 3 * stats_time),
sin4 = sin(2 * pi * 4 * stats_time),
sin5 = sin(2 * pi * 5 * stats_time),
sin6 = sin(2 * pi * 6 * stats_time)) |>
as_tsibble(index = stats_time)
autoplot(ap, .vars = log(value))
mean(pull(ap, stats_time))
sd(pull(ap, stats_time))
ap_lm <- ap |>
lm1 = TSLM(log(value) ~ TIME +
I(TIME^2) + I(TIME^3) + I(TIME^4) +
sin1 + cos1 + sin2 + cos2 + sin3 + cos3 +
sin4 + cos4 + sin5 + cos5 + sin6 + cos6),
lm2 = TSLM(log(value) ~ TIME + I(TIME^2) + sin1 + cos1 +
sin2 + cos2 + sin3 + sin4 + cos4 + sin5))
tidy(ap_lm) |>
mutate(calc = estimate / std.error) |>
print(n = 30)
glance(ap_lm) |> select(.model, AIC, AICc, BIC)
ap_lm |>
select(lm2) |>
residuals() |>
feasts::ACF() |>
ap_gls <- linear_reg() |>
set_engine("gls", correlation = nlme::corAR1(0.6)) |>
fit(log(value) ~ TIME + I(TIME^2) + sin1 + cos1 +
sin2 + cos2 + sin3 + sin4 + cos4 + sin5, data = ap)
broom.mixed::tidy(ap_gls) |>
mutate(calc = estimate / std.error)
ap_ar <- augment(ap_gls, ap) |>
as_tsibble(index = stats_time) |>
model(resid = AR(.resid ~ order(1)))
residuals(ap_ar) |>
feasts::ACF(.var = .resid) |>
5.8.2 “Example of a simulated and fitted non-linear series” Modern Look
Book code
<- rnorm(100, sd = 10)
w <- rep(0, 100)
z for (t in 2:100) z[t] <- 0.7 * z[t - 1] + w[t]
<- 1:100
Time <- function(x) exp(1 + 0.05 * x)
f <- f(Time) + z
x plot(x, type = "l")
abline(0, 0)
Tidyverts code
<- tibble(w = rnorm(100, sd = 10)) |>
dat mutate(
Time = 1:n(),
z = purrr::accumulate2(
lag(w), w,
0.7 * acc + w,
\(acc, nxt, w) .init = 0)[-1],
x = exp(1 + 0.05 * Time) + z) |>
::as_tsibble(index = Time)
autoplot(dat, .var = x) +
geom_hline(yintercept = 0)
<- nls(x ~ exp(alp0 + alp1 * Time), start = list(alp0 = 0.1,
x.nls alp1 = 0.5))
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
alp0 1.17640121 0.0742954459 15.83410 9.204061e-29
alp1 0.04828424 0.0008188462 58.96619 2.347546e-78
<- x ~ exp(alp0 + alp1 * Time)
<- nls(equation, data = dat,
dat_nls start = list(alp0 = 0.1, alp1 = 0.5))
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
alp0 1.17299000 0.0743864847 15.76886 1.232132e-28
alp1 0.04832158 0.0008197862 58.94413 2.432829e-78
Show the Book code in full
w <- rnorm(100, sd = 10)
z <- rep(0, 100)
for (t in 2:100) z[t] <- 0.7 * z[t - 1] + w[t]
Time <- 1:100
f <- function(x) exp(1 + 0.05 * x)
x <- f(Time) + z
plot(x, type = "l")
abline(0, 0)
x.nls <- nls(x ~ exp(alp0 + alp1 * Time), start = list(alp0 = 0.1,
alp1 = 0.5))
Show the Tidyverts code in full
dat <- tibble(w = rnorm(100, sd = 10)) |>
Time = 1:n(),
z = purrr::accumulate2(
lag(w), w,
\(acc, nxt, w) 0.7 * acc + w,
.init = 0)[-1],
x = exp(1 + 0.05 * Time) + z) |>
tsibble::as_tsibble(index = Time)
autoplot(dat, .var = x) +
geom_hline(yintercept = 0)
equation <- x ~ exp(alp0 + alp1 * Time)
dat_nls <- nls(equation, data = dat,
start = list(alp0 = 0.1, alp1 = 0.5))
5.9.2 “Prediction in R” Modern Look
Book code
<- time(ts(start = 1961, end = c(1970, 12), fr = 12))
new.t <- (new.t - mean(time(AP)))/sd(time(AP))
TIME <- COS <- matrix(nr = length(new.t), nc = 6)
SIN for (i in 1:6) {
<- cos(2 * pi * i * new.t)
COS[, i] <- sin(2 * pi * i * new.t)
SIN[, i]
}<- SIN[, -6]
SIN <- data.frame(TIME = as.vector(TIME), SIN = SIN,
new.dat COS = COS)
<- exp(ts(predict(AP.lm2, new.dat), st = 1961,
AP.pred.ts fr = 12))
ts.plot(log(AP), log(AP.pred.ts), lty = 1:2)
Tidyverts code
<- tibble(new_t = seq(1961, 1970.99, 1/12)) |>
new_dat mutate(
TIME = (new_t - mean(pull(ap, stats_time))) / sd(pull(ap, stats_time)),
cos1 = cos(2 * pi * 1 * new_t),
cos2 = cos(2 * pi * 2 * new_t),
cos3 = cos(2 * pi * 3 * new_t),
cos4 = cos(2 * pi * 4 * new_t),
cos5 = cos(2 * pi * 5 * new_t),
cos6 = cos(2 * pi * 6 * new_t),
sin1 = sin(2 * pi * 1 * new_t),
sin2 = sin(2 * pi * 2 * new_t),
sin3 = sin(2 * pi * 3 * new_t),
sin4 = sin(2 * pi * 4 * new_t),
sin5 = sin(2 * pi * 5 * new_t)) |>
rename(stats_time = new_t) |>
as_tsibble(index = stats_time)
ap_lm select(lm2) |>
forecast(new_data = new_dat) |>
autoplot(ap, level = 95) +
scale_y_continuous(trans = "log", labels = trans_format("log"))
ts.plot(AP, AP.pred.ts, lty = 1:2)
ap_lm select(lm2) |>
forecast(new_data = new_dat) |>
autoplot(ap, level = 95)
Show the Book code in full
new.t <- time(ts(start = 1961, end = c(1970, 12), fr = 12))
TIME <- (new.t - mean(time(AP)))/sd(time(AP))
SIN <- COS <- matrix(nr = length(new.t), nc = 6)
for (i in 1:6) {
COS[, i] <- cos(2 * pi * i * new.t)
SIN[, i] <- sin(2 * pi * i * new.t)
SIN <- SIN[, -6]
new.dat <- data.frame(TIME = as.vector(TIME), SIN = SIN,
AP.pred.ts <- exp(ts(predict(AP.lm2, new.dat), st = 1961,
fr = 12))
ts.plot(log(AP), log(AP.pred.ts), lty = 1:2)
ts.plot(AP, AP.pred.ts, lty = 1:2)
Show the Tidyverts code in full
new_dat <- tibble(new_t = seq(1961, 1970.99, 1/12)) |>
TIME = (new_t - mean(pull(ap, stats_time))) / sd(pull(ap, stats_time)),
cos1 = cos(2 * pi * 1 * new_t),
cos2 = cos(2 * pi * 2 * new_t),
cos3 = cos(2 * pi * 3 * new_t),
cos4 = cos(2 * pi * 4 * new_t),
cos5 = cos(2 * pi * 5 * new_t),
cos6 = cos(2 * pi * 6 * new_t),
sin1 = sin(2 * pi * 1 * new_t),
sin2 = sin(2 * pi * 2 * new_t),
sin3 = sin(2 * pi * 3 * new_t),
sin4 = sin(2 * pi * 4 * new_t),
sin5 = sin(2 * pi * 5 * new_t)) |>
rename(stats_time = new_t) |>
as_tsibble(index = stats_time)
ap_lm |>
select(lm2) |>
forecast(new_data = new_dat) |>
autoplot(ap, level = 95) +
scale_y_continuous(trans = "log", labels = trans_format("log"))
ap_lm |>
select(lm2) |>
forecast(new_data = new_dat) |>
autoplot(ap, level = 95)
5.10.1 “Log-normal residual errors” Modern Look
Book code
<- 1
sigma <- rnorm(1e+06, sd = sigma)
w c(mean(w), mean(exp(w)), exp(sigma^2/2))
[1] 4.690776e-05 1.648610e+00 1.648721e+00
Tidyverts code
<- 1
sigma <- rnorm(1e+06, sd = sigma)
w c(mean(w), mean(exp(w)), exp(sigma^2/2))
[1] 4.690776e-05 1.648610e+00 1.648721e+00
5.10.3 Example using the air passenger data
Book code
[1] 0.9888318
Tidyverts code
<- ap_lm |>
model_values select(lm2) |>
model_values select(r_squared)
# A tibble: 1 × 1
1 0.989
<- summary(AP.lm2)$sigma
sigma <- exp((1/2) * sigma^2)
lognorm.correction.factor <- mean(exp(resid(AP.lm2)))
empirical.correction.factor c(lognorm.correction.factor, empirical.correction.factor)
[1] 1.001171 1.001080
<- options(pillar.sigfig = 7)
old <- model_values |>
model_check mutate(
sigma = sqrt(sigma2),
lognorm_cf = exp((1/2) * sigma2),
empirical_cf = ap_lm |>
select(lm2) |>
residuals() |>
pull(.resid) |>
exp() |>
mean()) |>
select(.model, r_squared, sigma2, sigma, lognorm_cf, empirical_cf)
# A tibble: 1 × 6
.model r_squared sigma2 sigma lognorm_cf empirical_cf
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 lm2 0.9888318 0.002340141 0.04837501 1.001171 1.001080
<- AP.pred.ts * empirical.correction.factor AP.pred.ts
<- ap_lm |>
ap_pred select(lm2) |>
forecast(new_data = new_dat) |>
mutate(.mean_correction = .mean * model_check$empirical_cf) |>
select(stats_time, value, .mean, .mean_correction)
Show the Tidyverts code in full
model_values <- ap_lm |>
select(lm2) |>
model_values |>
old <- options(pillar.sigfig = 7)
model_check <- model_values |>
sigma = sqrt(sigma2),
lognorm_cf = exp((1/2) * sigma2),
empirical_cf = ap_lm |>
select(lm2) |>
residuals() |>
pull(.resid) |>
exp() |>
mean()) |>
select(.model, r_squared, sigma2, sigma, lognorm_cf, empirical_cf)
ap_pred <- ap_lm |>
select(lm2) |>
forecast(new_data = new_dat) |>
mutate(.mean_correction = .mean * model_check$empirical_cf) |>
select(stats_time, value, .mean, .mean_correction)
5.11 Summary of Modern R
commands used in examples
: Fit a linear model with time series componentsparsnip::linear_reg()
: Linear regressionparsnip::set_engine()
: Declare a computational engine and specific argumentsnlme::corAR1
: AR(1) Correlation Structurebroom.mixed::tidy()
: Turn an object into a tidy tibblebroom::glance()
: Glance at a(n) lm objectggplot2::geom_hline()
: Reference lines: horizontal, vertical, and diagonalggplot2::scale_y_continuous()
: Position scales for continuous data (x & y)scales::trans_format()
: Format labels after transformation