<- read.table("data/ApprovActiv.dat", header=T)
Build.dat # attach(Build.dat) # bad practice
<- ts(Build.dat$Approvals, start = c(1996,1), freq=4)
App.ts <- ts(Build.dat$Activity, start = c(1996,1), freq=4)
Act.ts ts.plot(App.ts, Act.ts, lty = c(1,3))
Chapter 3: Forecasting Strategies
Businesses rely on forecasts of sales to plan production, justify marketing decisions, and guide research. A very efficient method of forecasting one variable is to find a related variable that leads it by one or more time intervals. The closer the relationship and the longer the lead time, the better this strategy becomes.
3.2.2 ‘Building Approvals’ Modern Look
Book code
Tidyverts code
::p_load("tsibble", "fable", "feasts",
pacman"tsibbledata", "fable.prophet", "tidyverse", "patchwork")
<- read_table("data/ApprovActiv.dat") |>
build_dat rename_all(str_to_lower) |>
dates = seq(ymd("1996-01-01"), by = "3 months", length.out = n()),
quarter = yearquarter(dates)) |>
as_tsibble(index = quarter)
ggplot(build_dat, aes(x = quarter)) +
geom_line(aes(y = activity, color = "Activity")) +
geom_line(aes(y = approvals, color = "Approvals")) +
theme(legend.position = "bottom")
acf(ts.union(App.ts, Act.ts))
<- ACF(build_dat, y = approvals) |> autoplot() +
acf_appr labs(title = "Approvals")
<- ACF(build_dat, y = activity) |> autoplot() +
acf_act labs(title = "Activity")
<- build_dat |>
joint_ccf_plot CCF(y = approvals, x = activity) |> autoplot() +
labs(title = "CCF Plot")
+ acf_act) / joint_ccf_plot (acf_appr
print(acf(ts.union(App.ts, Act.ts), plot = FALSE))
Autocorrelations of series 'ts.union(App.ts, Act.ts)', by lag
, , App.ts
App.ts Act.ts
1.000 ( 0.00) 0.432 ( 0.00)
0.808 ( 0.25) 0.494 (-0.25)
0.455 ( 0.50) 0.499 (-0.50)
0.138 ( 0.75) 0.458 (-0.75)
-0.057 ( 1.00) 0.410 (-1.00)
-0.109 ( 1.25) 0.365 (-1.25)
-0.073 ( 1.50) 0.333 (-1.50)
-0.037 ( 1.75) 0.327 (-1.75)
-0.050 ( 2.00) 0.342 (-2.00)
-0.087 ( 2.25) 0.358 (-2.25)
-0.122 ( 2.50) 0.363 (-2.50)
-0.174 ( 2.75) 0.356 (-2.75)
-0.219 ( 3.00) 0.298 (-3.00)
-0.196 ( 3.25) 0.218 (-3.25)
, , Act.ts
App.ts Act.ts
0.432 ( 0.00) 1.000 ( 0.00)
0.269 ( 0.25) 0.892 ( 0.25)
0.133 ( 0.50) 0.781 ( 0.50)
0.044 ( 0.75) 0.714 ( 0.75)
-0.002 ( 1.00) 0.653 ( 1.00)
-0.034 ( 1.25) 0.564 ( 1.25)
-0.084 ( 1.50) 0.480 ( 1.50)
-0.125 ( 1.75) 0.430 ( 1.75)
-0.139 ( 2.00) 0.381 ( 2.00)
-0.148 ( 2.25) 0.327 ( 2.25)
-0.156 ( 2.50) 0.264 ( 2.50)
-0.159 ( 2.75) 0.210 ( 2.75)
-0.143 ( 3.00) 0.157 ( 3.00)
-0.118 ( 3.25) 0.108 ( 3.25)
CCF(build_dat, approvals, activity)
# A tsibble: 27 x 2 [1Q]
lag ccf
<cf_lag> <dbl>
1 -13Q -0.118
2 -12Q -0.143
3 -11Q -0.159
4 -10Q -0.156
5 -9Q -0.148
6 -8Q -0.139
7 -7Q -0.125
8 -6Q -0.0843
9 -5Q -0.0342
10 -4Q -0.00202
# ℹ 17 more rows
<- decompose(App.ts)$random
app.ran <- window(app.ran, start = c(1996, 3), end = c(2006,1)) # add end to fix
app.ran.ts <- decompose(Act.ts)$random
act.ran <- window(act.ran, start = c(1996, 3), end = c(2006,1)) # add end to fix
act.ran.ts acf(ts.union(app.ran.ts, act.ran.ts))
<- model(build_dat, feasts::classical_decomposition(approvals)) |>
app_decompose components()
<- model(build_dat, feasts::classical_decomposition(activity)) |>
act_decompose components()
<- ACF(app_decompose, random) |> autoplot()
app_random <- ACF(act_decompose, random) |> autoplot()
act_random <- select(app_decompose, quarter, random_app = random) |>
random_decompose left_join(select(act_decompose, quarter, random_act = random))
<- random_decompose |>
joint_ccf_random CCF(y = random_app, x = random_act) |> autoplot()
+ act_random) / joint_ccf_random (app_random
ccf(app.ran.ts, act.ran.ts)
<- random_decompose |>
joint_ccf_random CCF(y = random_app, x = random_act) |> autoplot()
print(acf(ts.union(app.ran.ts, act.ran.ts), plot = FALSE))
Autocorrelations of series 'ts.union(app.ran.ts, act.ran.ts)', by lag
, , app.ran.ts
app.ran.ts act.ran.ts
1.000 ( 0.00) 0.144 ( 0.00)
0.427 ( 0.25) 0.699 (-0.25)
-0.324 ( 0.50) 0.497 (-0.50)
-0.466 ( 0.75) -0.164 (-0.75)
-0.401 ( 1.00) -0.336 (-1.00)
-0.182 ( 1.25) -0.124 (-1.25)
0.196 ( 1.50) -0.031 (-1.50)
0.306 ( 1.75) -0.050 (-1.75)
0.078 ( 2.00) -0.002 (-2.00)
-0.042 ( 2.25) -0.087 (-2.25)
0.078 ( 2.50) -0.042 (-2.50)
0.027 ( 2.75) 0.272 (-2.75)
-0.226 ( 3.00) 0.271 (-3.00)
, , act.ran.ts
app.ran.ts act.ran.ts
0.144 ( 0.00) 1.000 ( 0.00)
-0.380 ( 0.25) 0.240 ( 0.25)
-0.409 ( 0.50) -0.431 ( 0.50)
-0.247 ( 0.75) -0.419 ( 0.75)
0.084 ( 1.00) -0.037 ( 1.00)
0.346 ( 1.25) 0.211 ( 1.25)
0.056 ( 1.50) 0.126 ( 1.50)
-0.187 ( 1.75) -0.190 ( 1.75)
0.060 ( 2.00) -0.284 ( 2.00)
0.142 ( 2.25) 0.094 ( 2.25)
-0.080 ( 2.50) 0.378 ( 2.50)
-0.225 ( 2.75) 0.187 ( 2.75)
-0.115 ( 3.00) -0.365 ( 3.00)
random_decompose CCF(y = random_app, x = random_act)
# A tsibble: 25 x 2 [1Q]
lag ccf
<cf_lag> <dbl>
1 -12Q -0.115
2 -11Q -0.225
3 -10Q -0.0804
4 -9Q 0.142
5 -8Q 0.0600
6 -7Q -0.187
7 -6Q 0.0556
8 -5Q 0.346
9 -4Q 0.0836
10 -3Q -0.247
# ℹ 15 more rows
Show the Book code in full
Build.dat <- read.table("data/ApprovActiv.dat", header=T)
# attach(Build.dat) # bad practice
App.ts <- ts(Build.dat$Approvals, start = c(1996,1), freq=4)
Act.ts <- ts(Build.dat$Activity, start = c(1996,1), freq=4)
ts.plot(App.ts, Act.ts, lty = c(1,3))
acf(ts.union(App.ts, Act.ts))
print(acf(ts.union(App.ts, Act.ts)))
app.ran <- decompose(App.ts)$random
app.ran.ts <- window(app.ran, start = c(1996, 3), end = c(2006,1)) # add end to fix
act.ran <- decompose(Act.ts)$random
act.ran.ts <- window(act.ran, start = c(1996, 3), end = c(2006,1)) # add end to fix
acf(ts.union(app.ran.ts, act.ran.ts))
ccf(app.ran.ts, act.ran.ts)
print(acf(ts.union(app.ran.ts, act.ran.ts)))
Show the Tidyverts code in full
pacman::p_load("tsibble", "fable", "feasts",
"tsibbledata", "fable.prophet", "tidyverse", "patchwork")
build_dat <- read_table("data/ApprovActiv.dat") |>
rename_all(str_to_lower) |>
dates = seq(ymd("1996-01-01"), by = "3 months", length.out = n()),
quarter = yearquarter(dates)) |>
as_tsibble(index = quarter)
ggplot(build_dat, aes(x = quarter)) +
geom_line(aes(y = activity, color = "Activity")) +
geom_line(aes(y = approvals, color = "Approvals")) +
theme(legend.position = "bottom")
acf_appr <- ACF(build_dat, y = approvals) |> autoplot() +
labs(title = "Approvals")
acf_act <- ACF(build_dat, y = activity) |> autoplot() +
labs(title = "Activity")
joint_ccf_plot <- build_dat |>
CCF(y = approvals, x = activity) |> autoplot() +
labs(title = "CCF Plot")
(acf_appr + acf_act) / joint_ccf_plot
CCF(build_dat, approvals, activity)
app_decompose <- model(build_dat, feasts::classical_decomposition(approvals)) |>
act_decompose <- model(build_dat, feasts::classical_decomposition(activity)) |>
app_random <- ACF(app_decompose, random) |> autoplot()
act_random <- ACF(act_decompose, random) |> autoplot()
random_decompose <- select(app_decompose, quarter, random_app = random) |>
left_join(select(act_decompose, quarter, random_act = random))
joint_ccf_random <- random_decompose |>
CCF(y = random_app, x = random_act) |> autoplot()
(app_random + act_random) / joint_ccf_random
joint_ccf_random <- random_decompose |>
CCF(y = random_app, x = random_act) |> autoplot()
random_decompose |>
CCF(y = random_app, x = random_act)
The output from feasts::ACF()
has a starkly different structure than the output of acf()
. The following code snippet does additional wrangling to get the output in a more comparable format as shown below.
Explore Tidyverts code to match base R acf()
build_dat <- read_table("data/ApprovActiv.dat") |>
rename_all(str_to_lower) |>
dates = seq(ymd("1996-01-01"), by = "3 months", length.out = n()),
quarter = yearquarter(dates)) |>
pivot_longer(approvals:activity) |>
as_tsibble(index = quarter, key = name)
acf_dat <- ACF(build_dat, y = value) |>
names_from = "name",
values_from = "acf",
names_prefix = "acf_"
) |>
as_tibble() |>
mutate(lag = as.character(lag)) |>
lag = "0Q",
acf_activity = NA,
acf_approvals = NA
ccf_dat <- build_dat |>
pivot_wider(values_from = "value", names_from = "name") |>
CCF(y = approvals, x = activity) |>
as_tibble() |>
relation = ifelse(str_detect(lag, "-"),"appTOact", "actTOapp"),
lag = str_remove(lag, "-")) |>
names_from = "relation",
values_from = "ccf",
names_prefix = "ccf_") |>
mutate(ccf_appTOact = ifelse(
is.na(ccf_appTOact), ccf_actTOapp, ccf_appTOact)
left_join(ccf_dat, acf_dat) |>
arrange(-row_number()) |>
select(acf_approvals, ccf_actTOapp, ccf_appTOact, acf_activity)
# A tibble: 14 × 4
acf_approvals ccf_actTOapp ccf_appTOact acf_activity
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 NA 0.432 0.432 NA
2 0.808 0.494 0.269 0.892
3 0.455 0.499 0.133 0.781
4 0.138 0.458 0.0439 0.714
5 -0.0572 0.410 -0.00202 0.653
6 -0.109 0.365 -0.0342 0.564
7 -0.0731 0.333 -0.0843 0.480
8 -0.0371 0.327 -0.125 0.430
9 -0.0496 0.342 -0.139 0.381
10 -0.0874 0.358 -0.148 0.327
11 -0.122 0.363 -0.156 0.264
12 -0.174 0.356 -0.159 0.210
13 -0.219 0.298 -0.143 0.157
14 -0.196 0.218 -0.118 0.108
3.3.4 Bass Model Example Modern Look
Book code
<- 1:10
T79 <- (1:100) / 10
Tdelt <- c(840,1470,2110,4000, 7590, 10950, 10530, 9470, 7790, 5890)
Sales <- cumsum(Sales)
Cusales <- nls(Sales ~ M * ( ((P+Q)^2 / P) * exp(-(P+Q) * T79) ) /
Bass.nls 1+(Q/P)*exp(-(P+Q)*T79))^2, start = list(M=60630, P=0.03, Q=0.38))
Formula: Sales ~ M * (((P + Q)^2/P) * exp(-(P + Q) * T79))/(1 + (Q/P) *
exp(-(P + Q) * T79))^2
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
M 6.798e+04 3.128e+03 21.74 1.10e-07 ***
P 6.594e-03 1.430e-03 4.61 0.00245 **
Q 6.381e-01 4.140e-02 15.41 1.17e-06 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Residual standard error: 727.2 on 7 degrees of freedom
Number of iterations to convergence: 8
Achieved convergence tolerance: 7.395e-06
Tidyverts code
<- tibble(
dat T79 = 1:10,
Sales = c(840,1470,2110,4000, 7590, 10950, 10530, 9470, 7790, 5890)) |>
mutate(Cusales = cumsum(Sales))
<- Sales ~ M * ( ((P+Q)^2 / P) * exp(-(P+Q) * T79) ) / (1+(Q/P)*exp(-(P+Q)*T79))^2
equation <- nls(equation, data = dat, start = list(M=60630, P=0.03, Q=0.38))
bass_nls summary(bass_nls)
Formula: Sales ~ M * (((P + Q)^2/P) * exp(-(P + Q) * T79))/(1 + (Q/P) *
exp(-(P + Q) * T79))^2
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
M 6.798e+04 3.128e+03 21.74 1.10e-07 ***
P 6.594e-03 1.430e-03 4.61 0.00245 **
Q 6.381e-01 4.140e-02 15.41 1.17e-06 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Residual standard error: 727.2 on 7 degrees of freedom
Number of iterations to convergence: 8
Achieved convergence tolerance: 7.395e-06
<- coef(Bass.nls)
Bcoef <- Bcoef[1]
m <- Bcoef[2]
p <- Bcoef[3]
q <- exp(-(p+q) * Tdelt)
ngete <- m * ( (p+q)^2 / p ) * ngete / (1 + (q/p) * ngete)^2
Bpdf plot(Tdelt, Bpdf,
xlab = "Year from 1979",
ylab = "Sales per year", type='l')
points(T79, Sales)
<- tibble(
pdat tdelt = (1:100) / 10,
m = coef(bass_nls)["M"],
p = coef(bass_nls)["P"],
q = coef(bass_nls)["Q"]) |>
ngete = exp(-(p+q) * tdelt),
bpdf = m * ( (p+q)^2 / p ) * ngete / (1 + (q/p) * ngete)^2)
ggplot(pdat, aes(x = tdelt, y = bpdf)) +
geom_line() +
data = dat,
aes(x = T79, y = Sales),
size = 3, shape = 1) +
labs(x = "Year from 1979", y = "Sales per year")
<- m * (1 - ngete)/(1 + (q/p)*ngete)
Bcdf plot(Tdelt, Bcdf,
xlab = "Year from 1979",
ylab = "Cumulative sales", type='l')
points(T79, Cusales)
<- mutate(pdat, bcdf = m * (1 - ngete)/(1 + (q/p) * ngete))
pdat ggplot(pdat, aes(x = tdelt, y = bcdf)) +
geom_line() +
data = dat,
aes(x = T79, y = Cusales),
size = 3, shape = 1) +
x = "Year from 1979",
y = "Cumulative sales")
Show the Book code in full
T79 <- 1:10
Tdelt <- (1:100) / 10
Sales <- c(840,1470,2110,4000, 7590, 10950, 10530, 9470, 7790, 5890)
Cusales <- cumsum(Sales)
Bass.nls <- nls(Sales ~ M * ( ((P+Q)^2 / P) * exp(-(P+Q) * T79) ) /
(1+(Q/P)*exp(-(P+Q)*T79))^2, start = list(M=60630, P=0.03, Q=0.38))
Bcoef <- coef(Bass.nls)
m <- Bcoef[1]
p <- Bcoef[2]
q <- Bcoef[3]
ngete <- exp(-(p+q) * Tdelt)
Bpdf <- m * ( (p+q)^2 / p ) * ngete / (1 + (q/p) * ngete)^2
plot(Tdelt, Bpdf,
xlab = "Year from 1979",
ylab = "Sales per year", type='l')
points(T79, Sales)
Bcdf <- m * (1 - ngete)/(1 + (q/p)*ngete)
plot(Tdelt, Bcdf,
xlab = "Year from 1979",
ylab = "Cumulative sales", type='l')
points(T79, Cusales)
Show the Tidyverts code in full
dat <- tibble(
T79 = 1:10,
Sales = c(840,1470,2110,4000, 7590, 10950, 10530, 9470, 7790, 5890)) |>
mutate(Cusales = cumsum(Sales))
equation <- Sales ~ M * ( ((P+Q)^2 / P) * exp(-(P+Q) * T79) ) / (1+(Q/P)*exp(-(P+Q)*T79))^2
bass_nls <- nls(equation, data = dat, start = list(M=60630, P=0.03, Q=0.38))
pdat <- tibble(
tdelt = (1:100) / 10,
m = coef(bass_nls)["M"],
p = coef(bass_nls)["P"],
q = coef(bass_nls)["Q"]) |>
ngete = exp(-(p+q) * tdelt),
bpdf = m * ( (p+q)^2 / p ) * ngete / (1 + (q/p) * ngete)^2)
ggplot(pdat, aes(x = tdelt, y = bpdf)) +
geom_line() +
data = dat,
aes(x = T79, y = Sales),
size = 3, shape = 1) +
labs(x = "Year from 1979", y = "Sales per year")
pdat <- mutate(pdat, bcdf = m * (1 - ngete)/(1 + (q/p) * ngete))
ggplot(pdat, aes(x = tdelt, y = bcdf)) +
geom_line() +
data = dat,
aes(x = T79, y = Cusales),
size = 3, shape = 1) +
labs(x = "Year from 1979", y = "Cumulative sales")
3.4.1 “Exponential smoothing” and “Complaints” Modern Look
The HoltWinters methods do not return the same results between the HoltWinters()
and the feasts::model(ETS())
methods. It appears that the estimation methods used within each package to implement the HoltWinters methods differ slightly.
Book code
<- read.table("data/motororg.dat", header = T)
Motor.dat # attach(Motor.dat) # bad practice
<- ts(Motor.dat$complaints, start = c(1996, 1), freq = 12)
Comp.ts plot(Comp.ts, xlab = "Time / months", ylab = "Complaints")
Tidyverts code
<- read_table("data/motororg.dat") |>
motor_dat mutate(
dates = seq(ymd("1996-01-01"), by = "1 months",
length.out = n()),
months = yearmonth(dates)
)<- as_tsibble(motor_dat, index = months)
comp_ts autoplot(comp_ts) +
labs(x = "Time / months", y = "Complaints")
<- HoltWinters(Comp.ts,
(Comp.hw1 beta = FALSE, gamma = FALSE)) # edits to book code
Holt-Winters exponential smoothing without trend and without seasonal component.
HoltWinters(x = Comp.ts, beta = FALSE, gamma = FALSE)
Smoothing parameters:
alpha: 0.1429622
beta : FALSE
gamma: FALSE
a 17.70343
<- comp_ts |>
comp_hw1 model(Additive = ETS(complaints ~
trend("A", alpha = 0.1429622, beta = 0) +
error("A") + season("N"),
opt_crit = "amse", nmse = 1))
Series: complaints
Model: ETS(A,A,N)
Smoothing parameters:
alpha = 0.1429622
beta = 0
Initial states:
l[0] b[0]
25.22968 -0.1790294
sigma^2: 54.8316
379.8459 380.3914 385.4595
augment(comp_hw1) |>
ggplot(aes(x = months, y = complaints)) +
geom_line() +
geom_line(aes(y = .fitted, color = "Fitted")) +
labs(color = "")
$SSE Comp.hw1
[1] 2502.028
sum(components(comp_hw1)$remainder^2, na.rm = T)
[1] 2412.592
<- HoltWinters(Comp.ts, alpha = 0.2,
Comp.hw2 beta = FALSE, gamma = FALSE) # edits to book code
$SSE Comp.hw2
[1] 2526.39
<- comp_ts |>
comp_hw2 model(Additive = ETS(complaints ~
trend("A", alpha = 0.2, beta = 0) +
error("A") + season("N"),
opt_crit = "amse", nmse = 1))
sum(components(comp_hw2)$remainder^2, na.rm = T)
[1] 2483.904
Show the Book code in full
Motor.dat <- read.table("data/motororg.dat", header = T)
# attach(Motor.dat) # bad practice
Comp.ts <- ts(Motor.dat$complaints,
start = c(1996, 1),
freq = 12)
xlab = "Time / months",
ylab = "Complaints")
Comp.hw1 <- HoltWinters(Comp.ts,
beta = FALSE, gamma = FALSE) # edits to book code
Comp.hw2 <- HoltWinters(Comp.ts, alpha = 0.2,
beta = FALSE, gamma = FALSE) # edits to book code
Show the Tidyverts code in full
motor_dat <- read_table("data/motororg.dat") |>
dates = seq(ymd("1996-01-01"), by = "1 months",
length.out = n()),
months = yearmonth(dates)
comp_ts <- as_tsibble(motor_dat, index = months)
autoplot(comp_ts) +
labs(x = "Time / months", y = "Complaints")
comp_hw1 <- comp_ts |>
model(Additive = ETS(complaints ~
trend("A", alpha = 0.1429622, beta = 0) +
error("A") +
opt_crit = "amse", nmse = 1))
augment(comp_hw1) |>
ggplot(aes(x = months, y = complaints)) +
geom_line() +
geom_line(aes(y = .fitted, color = "Fitted")) +
labs(color = "")
comp_hw2 <- comp_ts |>
model(Additive = ETS(complaints ~
trend("A", alpha = 0.2, beta = 0) +
error("A") +
opt_crit = "amse", nmse = 1))
sum(components(comp_hw2)$remainder^2, na.rm = T)
3.4.2 “Holt-Winters” and “Australian wine” Modern Look
Book code
<- read.table("data/wine.dat", header = T)
wine.dat # attach (wine.dat) # bad practice
<- ts(wine.dat$sweetw, start = c(1980,1), freq = 12)
sweetw.ts plot(sweetw.ts, xlab= "Time (months)", ylab = "sales (1000 litres)")
Tidyverts code
<- read_table("data/wine.dat") |>
wine_dat mutate(
dates = seq(ymd("1980-01-01"), by = "1 months",
length.out = n()),
months = yearmonth(dates)
)<- as_tsibble(
sweetw_ts select(wine_dat, sweetw, months),
index = months)
autoplot(sweetw_ts) +
x = "Time (months)",
y = "sales (1000 liters)")
<- HoltWinters(sweetw.ts, seasonal = "multiplicative") #not quite the same as book
sweetw.hw sweetw.hw
Holt-Winters exponential smoothing with trend and multiplicative seasonal component.
HoltWinters(x = sweetw.ts, seasonal = "multiplicative")
Smoothing parameters:
alpha: 0.4086698
beta : 0
gamma: 0.4929402
a 285.6890314
b 1.3509615
s1 0.9498541
s2 0.9767623
s3 1.0275900
s4 1.1991924
s5 1.5463100
s6 0.6730235
s7 0.8925981
s8 0.7557814
s9 0.8227500
s10 0.7241711
s11 0.7434861
s12 0.9472648
<- sweetw_ts |>
sweetw_hw model(Multiplicative = ETS(sweetw ~
trend("M") +
error("A") +
opt_crit = "amse", nmse = 1))
Series: sweetw
Model: ETS(A,M,M)
Smoothing parameters:
alpha = 0.4286965
beta = 0.0001905936
gamma = 0.0001968977
Initial states:
l[0] b[0] s[0] s[-1] s[-2] s[-3] s[-4] s[-5]
112.0738 0.9962457 1.495189 1.246035 0.9870751 1.03928 1.008875 1.078576
s[-6] s[-7] s[-8] s[-9] s[-10] s[-11]
0.8232773 0.8637861 0.9308562 0.8717047 0.8427252 0.8126209
sigma^2: 2116.25
2427.425 2431.046 2482.354
$coef sweetw.hw
a b s1 s2 s3 s4
285.6890314 1.3509615 0.9498541 0.9767623 1.0275900 1.1991924
s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s10
1.5463100 0.6730235 0.8925981 0.7557814 0.8227500 0.7241711
s11 s12
0.7434861 0.9472648
# A tibble: 17 × 3
.model term estimate
<chr> <chr> <dbl>
1 Multiplicative alpha 0.429
2 Multiplicative beta 0.000191
3 Multiplicative gamma 0.000197
4 Multiplicative l[0] 112.
5 Multiplicative b[0] 0.996
6 Multiplicative s[0] 1.50
7 Multiplicative s[-1] 1.25
8 Multiplicative s[-2] 0.987
9 Multiplicative s[-3] 1.04
10 Multiplicative s[-4] 1.01
11 Multiplicative s[-5] 1.08
12 Multiplicative s[-6] 0.823
13 Multiplicative s[-7] 0.864
14 Multiplicative s[-8] 0.931
15 Multiplicative s[-9] 0.872
16 Multiplicative s[-10] 0.843
17 Multiplicative s[-11] 0.813
$SSE sweetw.hw
[1] 477693.9
sum(components(sweetw_hw)$remainder^2, na.rm = T)
[1] 361878.7
sqrt(sweetw.hw$SSE/length(wine.dat$sweetw)) # book has 50.04
[1] 50.54219
[1] 43.99069
[1] 121.3908
[1] 121.3908
augment(sweetw_hw) |>
ggplot(aes(x = months, y = sweetw)) +
geom_line() +
geom_line(aes(y = .fitted, color = "Fitted")) +
labs(color = "")
Show the Book code in full
# https://otexts.com/fpp2/holt-winters.html
wine.dat <- read.table("data/wine.dat", header = T)
# attach (wine.dat) # bad practice
sweetw.ts <- ts(wine.dat$sweetw, start = c(1980,1), freq = 12)
plot(sweetw.ts, xlab= "Time (months)", ylab = "sales (1000 litres)")
sweetw.hw <- HoltWinters(sweetw.ts, seasonal = "multiplicative") #not quite the same as book
sqrt(sweetw.hw$SSE/length(wine.dat$sweetw)) # book has 50.04
Show the Tidyverts code in full
wine_dat <- read_table("data/wine.dat") |>
dates = seq(ymd("1980-01-01"), by = "1 months",
length.out = n()),
months = yearmonth(dates)
sweetw_ts <- as_tsibble(
select(wine_dat, sweetw, months),
index = months)
autoplot(sweetw_ts) +
x = "Time (months)",
y = "sales (1000 liters)")
sweetw_hw <- sweetw_ts |>
model(Multiplicative = ETS(sweetw ~
trend("M") +
error("A") +
opt_crit = "amse", nmse = 1))
sum(components(sweetw_hw)$remainder^2, na.rm = T)
augment(sweetw_hw) |>
ggplot(aes(x = months, y = sweetw)) +
geom_line() +
geom_line(aes(y = .fitted, color = "Fitted")) +
labs(color = "")
3.4.3 “Four-year-ahead forecasts” and “air passenger data” Modern Look
Book code
<- AirPassengers
AP <- HoltWinters(AP, seasonal = "mult")
AP.hw plot(AP.hw)
Tidyverts code
<- as_tsibble(AirPassengers) |>
ap mutate(
Year = year(index),
Month = month(index)
)<- ap |>
ap_hw model(Multiplicative = ETS(value ~
trend("M") +
error("A") +
opt_crit = "amse", nmse = 1))
augment(ap_hw) |>
ggplot(aes(x = index, y = value)) +
geom_line() +
geom_line(aes(y = .fitted, color = "Fitted")) +
labs(color = "")
<- predict(AP.hw, n.ahead = 4 * 12)
AP.predict ts.plot(AP, AP.predict, lty = 1:2)
ap_hw forecast(h = "4 years") |>
autoplot(ap, level = 95) +
geom_line(aes(y = .fitted, color = "Fitted"),
data = augment(ap_hw)) +
scale_color_discrete(name = "") +
theme(legend.position = "bottom")
Show the Tidyverts code in full
ap <- as_tsibble(AirPassengers) |>
Year = year(index),
Month = month(index)
ap_hw <- ap |>
model(Multiplicative = ETS(value ~
trend("M") +
error("A") +
opt_crit = "amse", nmse = 1))
augment(ap_hw) |>
ggplot(aes(x = index, y = value)) +
geom_line() +
geom_line(aes(y = .fitted, color = "Fitted")) +
labs(color = "")
ap_hw |>
forecast(h = "4 years") |>
autoplot(ap, level = 95) +
geom_line(aes(y = .fitted, color = "Fitted"),
data = augment(ap_hw)) +
scale_color_discrete(name = "")
3.5 Summary of Modern R
commands used in examples
: Cross-Correlation Function Estimationfeasts::ACF()
: Autocorrelation Function Estimationfeasts::classical_decomposition()
: Classical Seasonal Decomposition by Moving Averagesfable::ETS()
: Exponential smoothing state space modelfabletools::components()
: Extract components from a fitted modelfabletools::model()
: Estimate modelsfabletools::augment()
: Augment data with information from an objectfabletools::tidy()
: Turn an object into a tidy tibblefabletools::accuracy()
: Evaluate accuracy of a forecast or modelfabletools::forecast()
: Forecasting from an objectdplyr::left_join()
: Mutating joindplyr::select()
: Keep or drop columns using their names and typesstats::coef()
: Extract model coefficients