We also need to estimate correlations if we are to generate realistic time series for simulations. The correlation structure of a time series model is defined by the correlation function, and we estimate this from the observed time series.
2.2.1 ‘Expected value’ Modern Look
Book code
Herald.dat <- read.table ("data/Herald.dat" , header = T)
# attach (Herald.dat) # This is bad
HD <- Herald.dat # abbreviating longer name. Not in book
sum ((HD$ CO - mean (HD$ CO)) * (HD$ Benzoa - mean (HD$ Benzoa))) / (nrow (HD) - 1 )
mean ((HD$ CO - mean (HD$ CO)) * (HD$ Benzoa - mean (HD$ Benzoa)))
Tidyverts code
# install.packages("pacman")
pacman:: p_load ("tsibble" , "fable" , "feasts" ,
"tsibbledata" , "fable.prophet" , "tidyverse" , "patchwork" )
hd <- readr:: read_table ("data/Herald.dat" ) |>
rename_all ("str_to_lower" )
hd_calc <- mutate (hd,
mc = mean (co), mb = mean (benzoa),
equation_i = (co - mc) * (benzoa - mb)
summarise (hd_calc,
method_1 = sum (equation_i) / (n ()- 1 ),
method_2 = mean (equation_i),
method_3 = cov (co, benzoa))
# A tibble: 1 × 3
method_1 method_2 method_3
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 5.51 5.17 5.51
cov (HD$ CO, HD$ Benzoa) / (sd (HD$ CO) * sd (HD$ Benzoa))
summarise (hd_calc,
correlation_m1 = cov (co, benzoa) / (sd (co) * sd (benzoa)),
correlation_m2 = cor (co, benzoa))
# A tibble: 1 × 2
correlation_m1 correlation_m2
<dbl> <dbl>
1 0.355 0.355
Show the Book code in full
Herald.dat <- read.table ("data/Herald.dat" , header = T)
# attach (Herald.dat) # This is bad
HD <- Herald.dat # abbreviating longer name. Not in book
sum ((HD$ CO - mean (HD$ CO)) * (HD$ Benzoa - mean (HD$ Benzoa))) / (nrow (HD) - 1 )
mean ((HD$ CO - mean (HD$ CO)) * (HD$ Benzoa - mean (HD$ Benzoa)))
cov (HD$ CO, HD$ Benzoa)
cov (HD$ CO, HD$ Benzoa) / (sd (HD$ CO) * sd (HD$ Benzoa))
cor (HD$ CO, HD$ Benzoa)
Show the Tidyverts code in full
# install.packages("pacman")
pacman:: p_load ("tsibble" , "fable" , "feasts" ,
"tsibbledata" , "fable.prophet" , "tidyverse" )
hd <- readr:: read_table ("data/Herald.dat" ) |>
rename_all ("str_to_lower" )
hd_calc <- mutate (hd,
mc = mean (co), mb = mean (benzoa),
equation_i = (co - mc) * (benzoa - mb)
summarise (hd_calc,
method_1 = sum (equation_i) / (n ()- 1 ),
method_2 = mean (equation_i),
method_3 = cov (co, benzoa))
summarise (hd_calc,
correlation_m1 = cov (co, benzoa) / (sd (co) * sd (benzoa)),
correlation_m2 = cor (co, benzoa))
2.25 ‘Autocorrelation’ and ‘Wave heights’ Modern Look
Book code
wave.dat <- read.table ("data/wave.dat" , header= T)
# attach(wave.dat) #bf
plot (ts (wave.dat$ waveht))
Tidyverts code
wave_dat <- read_table ("data/wave.dat" ) |>
mutate (index = 1 : n ()) |>
as_tsibble (index = index)
wave_dat |>
autoplot ()
plot (ts (wave.dat$ waveht[1 : 60 ]))
wave_dat |>
slice (1 : 60 ) |>
autoplot ()
acf (wave.dat$ waveht)$ acf[2 ]
# notice that there is no line at zero
ACF (wave_dat) |> autoplot ()
acf (wave.dat$ waveht, type = c ("covariance" ))$ acf[2 ]
ACF (wave_dat, type = "covariance" ) |> autoplot ()
plot (wave.dat$ waveht[1 : 396 ],wave.dat$ waveht[2 : 397 ])
wave_dat |>
mutate (waveht_lag = lag (waveht)) |>
ggplot (aes ( x = waveht, y = waveht_lag)) +
geom_point ()
Show the Book code in full
wave.dat <- read.table ("data/wave.dat" , header= T) ; attach (wave.dat)
plot (ts (waveht))
plot (ts (waveht[1 : 60 ]))
acf (waveht)$ acf[2 ]
acf (waveht, type = c ("covariance" ))$ acf[2 ]
plot (waveht[1 : 396 ],waveht[2 : 397 ])
Show the Tidyverts code in full
wave_dat <- read_table ("data/wave.dat" ) |>
mutate (index = 1 : n ()) |>
as_tsibble (index = index)
wave_dat |>
autoplot ()
wave_dat |>
slice (1 : 60 ) |>
autoplot ()
ACF (wave_dat) |> autoplot ()
ACF (wave_dat, type = "covariance" ) |> autoplot ()
wave_dat |>
mutate (waveht_lag = lag (waveht)) |>
ggplot (aes ( x = waveht, y = waveht_lag)) +
geom_point ()
2.3.1 ‘Correlogram general discussion’ and ‘AirPassengers’ Modern Look
Book code
data (AirPassengers)
AP <- AirPassengers
AP.decom <- decompose (AP, "multiplicative" )
plot (ts (AP.decom$ random[7 : 138 ]))
Tidyverts code
data (AirPassengers)
ap <- as_tsibble (AirPassengers)
ap_decompose <- ap |>
model (feasts:: classical_decomposition (value, type = "mult" )) |>
components ()
autoplot (ap_decompose, .vars = random, scale_bars = FALSE )
acf (AP.decom$ random[7 : 138 ])
ACF (ap_decompose, y= random) |> autoplot ()
sd (AP[7 : 138 ] - AP.decom$ trend[7 : 138 ])
sd (AP.decom$ random[7 : 138 ])
ap_decompose |>
as_tibble () |>
slice (8 : 138 ) |>
summarise (
sd_value = sd (value),
sd_mtrend = sd (value - trend),
sd_season_adj = sd (random))
# A tibble: 1 × 3
sd_value sd_mtrend sd_season_adj
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 109. 41.2 0.0333
Show the Book code in full
data (AirPassengers)
AP <- AirPassengers
AP.decom <- decompose (AP, "multiplicative" )
plot (ts (AP.decom$ random[7 : 138 ]))
acf (AP) # figure 2.6
acf (AP.decom$ random[7 : 138 ])
sd (AP[7 : 138 ] - AP.decom$ trend[7 : 138 ])
sd (AP.decom$ random[7 : 138 ])
Show the Tidyverts code in full
data (AirPassengers)
ap <- as_tsibble (AirPassengers)
ap_decompose <- ap |>
model (feasts:: classical_decomposition (value, type = "mult" )) |>
components ()
autoplot (ap_decompose, .vars = random, scale_bars = FALSE )
ACF (ap) |> autoplot ()
ACF (ap_decompose, y= random) |> autoplot ()
ap_decompose |>
as_tibble () |>
slice (8 : 138 ) |>
summarise (
sd_value = sd (value),
sd_mtrend = sd (value - trend),
sd_season_adj = sd (random))
2.3.3 ‘Font Reservior series’ Modern Look
Book code
Fontdsdt.dat <- read.table ("data/Fontdsdt.dat" , header= T)
# attach(Fontdsdt.dat) # bp
plot (ts (Fontdsdt.dat$ adflow), ylab = 'adflow' )
Tidyverts code
fontdsdt_dat <- read_table ("data/Fontdsdt.dat" )
index_dates <- seq (lubridate:: ymd ("1909-01-01" ),
by = "1 months" ,
length.out = nrow (fontdsdt_dat))
f_ts <- fontdsdt_dat |>
mutate (
date = index_dates,
month = tsibble:: yearmonth (date)) |>
as_tsibble (index = month)
autoplot (f_ts) + labs (y = "adflow" )
acf (Fontdsdt.dat$ adflow, xlab = 'lag (months)' , main= "" )
autoplot (ACF (f_ts)) + labs (x = "lag (months)" )
f.ts <- ts (Fontdsdt.dat$ adflow, st = 1909 , fr = 12 )
f.decom <- decompose (f.ts, "multiplicative" )
acf (f.decom$ random[7 : 857 ])
f_decom <- f_ts |>
model (feasts:: classical_decomposition (adflow, type = "mult" )) |>
components ()
ACF (f_decom, .vars = random) |> autoplot ()
Show the Book code in full
Fontdsdt.dat <- read.table ("data/Fontdsdt.dat" , header= T)
# attach(Fontdsdt.dat) # bp
plot (ts (Fontdsdt.dat$ adflow), ylab = 'adflow' )
acf (Fontdsdt.dat$ adflow, xlab = 'lag (months)' , main= "" )
f.ts <- ts (Fontdsdt.dat$ adflow, st = 1909 , fr = 12 )
f.decom <- decompose (f.ts, "multiplicative" )
acf (f.decom$ random[7 : 857 ])
Show the Tidyverts code in full
fontdsdt_dat <- read_table ("data/Fontdsdt.dat" )
index_dates <- seq (lubridate:: ymd ("1909-01-01" ),
by = "1 months" ,
length.out = nrow (fontdsdt_dat))
f_ts <- fontdsdt_dat |>
mutate (
date = index_dates,
month = tsibble:: yearmonth (date)) |>
as_tsibble (index = month)
autoplot (f_ts) + labs (y = "adflow" )
autoplot (ACF (f_ts)) + labs (x = "lag (months)" )
f_decom <- f_ts |>
model (feasts:: classical_decomposition (adflow, type = "mult" )) |>
components ()
ACF (f_decom, .vars = random) |> autoplot ()
2.5 Summary of Modern R
commands used in examples