21  Distance Between Savior Names, Part 1


The Book of Mormon. This link is for reference only. You don’t have to read the full BOM before completing this assignment, but you should reading some each day :).

Guided Instruction


In 1978 Susan Easton Black stated, “Even statistically, he [Christ] is the dominant figure of the Book of Mormon.”

With our strong “string” skills we are going to check her results and build an improved statistic using number of words between references.

  1. Get the scripture and savior name data into R.
    • Scripture Text: Use the same data as the Counting Words task. You don’t have to download it again if you stored it on your computer. See the Counting Words for code to complete this step.
    • Savior Names: Use read_rds(url("https://byuistats.github.io/M335/data/BoM_SaviorNames.rds")) or read_rds("https://byuistats.github.io/M335/data/BoM_SaviorNames.rds") to download and load the Savior names table into R. (Or try experimenting with rio::import() to read in the data)
  2. Use the list of Savior names and the Book of Mormon text to find the distribution of number of words between references to the Savior.
    • Split the string on each instance of a Savior name in the Book of Mormon,
    • Then count the number of words between each instance.
  3. Create a visualization of the distribution of words between savior names.
    • Can you get the plot to “tell a story”?
  4. Calculate the average number of words between each Savior name overall.
  5. Create an .qmd file with one to two paragraphs to tell about the distribution / the data’s story regarding distance between Savior names.
  6. Render your `.qmd`, then push all the files created in the rendering process into your GitHub repository.


In I-learn submit a link to the .md file on GitHub.