38  Asking Questions

Good data science hinges on good questions. Watch the videos here to help you ask questions, especially as you develop questions for your semester project. NOTE: These LinkedInLearning videos require BYUI authentication. Follow these steps to play the videos: Free LinkedInLearning for College Students (Step by Step).

  1. Read the semester project assignment

  2. Develop a few novel questions (at least 4) that data can answer. Consider this a brainstorm of what you might address for your semester project.

    • Look for other examples of people addressing your question, or a similar question, online. Include a url to their work if possible.
    • Present your question to a data scientist, data analyst (this can include teachers), or other professional in the field to get feedback on the quality and feasability of the question and if it can be addressed in two months.
    • Get feedback from three to four other people on their interest in your questions.
  3. Edit the readme.md file in this week’s folder for this assignment so that it contains your potential questions and feedback. Push it to GitHub to be easily shared.


In I-learn submit a link to the readme.md file on GitHub.