Loading the Libraries and Cores

This guide provides a quick example of using library(furrr) that is in line with the simple parallel example I have provided. First, we need to load the library(furrr) and library(purrr) packages. For good measure, I have installed library(tidyverse) and a function timing package library(tictoc). Finally, I have started using the library(pacman) packaged to handle library installation and loading.

pacman::p_load(furrr, purrr, tidyverse, tictoc)

The plan() function is how you set the processing type of the future_() functions. The default is for the processing strategy to be ‘sequential’ which results in library(furrr) working identically to library(purrr). All we need to do is change our plan() depending on our compute architecture. If you are only going to use this tool on your local computer then plan(multiprocess) is the command you should use.

  1. First, we want to get our multiprocess working with one less core than we have. It is always a good rule to leave an available processor for the other software on your computer to use.
  2. Then we initiate the ‘plan’.
no_cores <- availableCores() - 1
plan(multicore, workers = no_cores)
  1. Now open your task manager (Windows) or Activity Monitor (Mac) and check the processes. Unlike library(parallel), as described here, the new R processes only present themselves when a task is running. This happens differently because library(furrr) is using the library(future) package which handles evaluations differently. You can read more about future if you like.

Setting up the Cores

With library(furrr) we don’t have to worry about sending our special functions, packages, and data to each process before start our multiprocess code. This is one of my favorite features! No longer do we have to feel like the jerk.

# load libraries
library(buildings) # remember that the 'permits' data object is created when the library is loaded.
a <- 4
ff <- function(x){
  for (i in 1:1000){
  ggplot() + geom_point(x = permits[x, "value"])
list_object <- as.list(1:7500)

Understanding map() and future_map()

Now the magic works best when we think with list objects. List objects are a great way to use multiple processes in a divide/recombine fashion.

If you need help with the map functions, then this reading will be useful.

temp1 <- map(list_object, ff)
temp1 <- future_map(list_object, ff)

As library(future) only starts processes when needed we don’t have to worry about stopping the cluster.

Additional Example

The future_map() functions work the same as the map() functions if you set plan(sequential). See the example below.

second_sequence <- rep(5, 8)

nothingness <- map(second_sequence, ~Sys.sleep(.x))

nothingness <- future_map(second_sequence, ~Sys.sleep(.x))

nothingness <- future_map(second_sequence, ~Sys.sleep(.x))