Example of the Tidy Excel File after formatting

Note that century is just the first two digits of year. Not the actual century

Code country century decade year height.cm year_decade height.in
56 Belgium 18 1 0 163.1 1810 64.21260
280 Federal Republic of Germany (until 1990) 18 1 0 167.8 1810 66.06299
250 France 18 1 0 163.9 1810 64.52756
276 Germany 18 1 0 167.8 1810 66.06299
528 Netherlands 18 1 0 166.0 1810 65.35433
246 Finland 18 1 0 171.9 1810 67.67717

Code for Combining Individual Measurements

# these should be the only four columns that you keep from each dataset.
select(birth_year, height.in, height.cm, study)
# then use the follwing to combine your five individual measures into one dataset.
alld <- bind_rows(b19, g18, g19, us20, w20)