Course Setup

How to get your computer setup?

The left navigation bar is sequenced for the setup process:

If you want to use a AWS Cloud Virtual Machine (VM) instead of your laptop and install Python and VS Code on that VM, start here:

  1. Create an AWS EC2 VM (optional)

This course uses Slack as our main tool for communication and collaboration. You will need to install Slack on your laptop and mobile device. You will also need to create a Slack account using your BYU-Idaho email. If you have an existing account, you can either change your email to the BYU-Idaho email or you can create a new account.

  1. Install Slack on your laptop:
  2. Install Slack on your Cell:
  3. Create a Slack Account using your BYU-Idaho email:

If you want to use Python and VS code on your own laptop, start here:

  1. Install Python
  2. Install VS Code
  3. Install Quarto
  4. Install Python Libraries
  5. Install Git & GitHub

You will need to use SQL in Week 6:

  1. SQL setup and test

Interested in using Copilot all Semester? > Copilot is a micro-assistant that helps you write better code. It is a VS Code extension that uses AI built off Chat GPT-4. With your student GitHub account, you can use Copilot for free. It helps you write code faster and with fewer errors. It is not perfect, but it is a great tool to help you learn to code.

  1. Install GitHub Copilot (optional)

Prefer an Open Source AI tool try Llama? > Llama is an AI-powered code editor that helps you write better code. It is a VS Code extension that uses AI built off Chat GPT-4. With your student GitHub account, you can use Llama for free. It helps you write code faster and with fewer errors. It is not perfect either, but it is a great tool to help you learn to code.

  1. Install Llama (optional)
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