
We recommend that you complete as many internships as possible. It is not unreasonable to miss two semesters in a row completing internships. A good goal would be to complete three internships before you graduate. Only one of those internships needs to be used for credit towards your data science degree.

Internship Details

  • There are many US government agencies and associated contractors that have recurring summer internships. You can find out how to apply to these recurring internship opportunities here.
  • We have relationships with many companies that continue to use our students each year. It would help if you also used your contacts to find internships in industry. Remember, any company that has data will most likely have a position that fits your skills. Many of these employment postings will not have the title ‘Data Science’ in the name. You will need to look at the posting details to see if your training aligns with their needs. In fact, many postings that have the job title ‘Data Scientist’ will often be looking for someone with technical skills, industry experience, and leadership experience. You are looking for the job postings of the people that work under the data scientist. Each company has different names for these positions.
  • One of your internships needs to apply to the internship credits of the major. You can choose how many credits (1-3). However, you need to have completed Math 335, work for at least 13 weeks complete a total of 300 hours.

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