Task 1: Understanding Graphical Perception, R, and R-Studio Setup


To create graphics that clearly answer questions, you must understand the basics of how the human perceptual system works. This 40-minute talk by John Rauser, a data scientist in the technology industry, will give you an overview. You can find the code for the majority of his graphics here.

You will also be responsible for getting R and Rstudio installed and running.


  • [ ] Read the course syllabus and make sure you understand our class routine and grading
  • [ ] Get R and R-Studio running on your computer
  • [ ] Watch John Rauser Presentation
    • [ ] Use the following google spreadsheet to input your three favorite segments of the video. Use your course standardized name lastname firstletterfirstname – For example mine is hathawayj.
  • [ ] Read the material about learning online and be prepared for a conversation in class