Comparing groups

Supplemental Reading:

Confidence Intervals

  • Everyone take a 1-minute to explain a confidence interval to your grandma. In one minute, I will have you enter your answer on Slack.

Coin Flips and Confidence Intervals

Understanding Confidence Intervals

Confidence intervals are like coin flips, just that the probabilities move from 50-50 to 95-5.

  • Point Estimators Vs. Parameters: Discuss the WHO child heights data.
    • Point Estimators: Sample mean
    • Parameters: Population mean
  • Interval Estimators: Why do we need interval estimators?

Case Study

Comparing Proportional Measures

  • Moving from the idea of the Matthew effect to measuring the Matthew effect.
  • How could we use a proportion test to test if the Matthew effect is real?
  • What are our Null and Alternative hypotheses?
  • How else could we set up the comparison?

Data time