

In scientific research, animals are frequently used for testing certain hypotheses and getting answers to important questions. Many times an animal will have to undergo a surgery or a stereotaxic injection to get insight into an existing problem. When that happens, the Animal Welfare Act (AWA)1 requires the use of anesthesia during such procedures. Not only it is a morally good idea for an animal to not feel pain, but it is also often imperative that an animal does not move during the procedure so that certain precision could be achieved. However, as with any medical procedures, certain risks come with the use of anesthesia that could vary from mild swelling at the injection site or to a severe shock or death.

One of the many reasons an animal can die from an anesthetic is an overdose. An animal will not always be knocked out by the first dosage of an analgesic drug, either due to some tolerance to the drug or due to poor quality of the anesthetic itself (sometimes the quality is not good even though the expiration date or a manufacturer does not indicate so). As such, one of the most widely used anesthetic agents on animals is a mix of Ketamine2 and Xylozine3. If an animal is not knocked out after the first dosage of the Ketamine-Xylozine mix (which is suggested to be 75‐150 mg/kg and 16‐20 mg/kg respectively)4, an additional 25-50% of the initial Ketamine dose needs to be administrated as is suggested by JAALAS. However, the question remains, when should one stop after the first dosage was injected to administer the drug to prevent death if it is obvious that it is not working on that animal? The data coming from my notes during my internship in a research lab in Ukraine was taken to answer that question (click on “The Data” tab for further details).

The Data

In the lab, we used the suggested amount of Ketamine and Xylazine based on a bodyweight of a mouse to knock it out before the neurosurgical procedures. A mouse would not always get unconscious by the first dosage of analgesia, so a recommended 50% of the initial Ketamine–Xylazine dose would be administered again after some time. However, there were a few instances when a mouse would die either right after the exposure of the first dose of anesthetic or right after the additional administrations.

Original Data

Note that because we are interested only in deaths caused by analgesia, the ‘Death’ column is composed of only those deaths that were observed right after the exposure of anesthetic.

Thus, in the “Death” column, ‘0’ indicates no death is observed right after the administration of Ketamine/Xylazine cocktail and ‘1’ represents the observed death right after the exposure to the anesthetic.

“CofficientK” column represents the coefficient of Ketamine by which the weight of a mouse was multiplied when getting the amount of Ketamine to be injected into a mouse. This coefficient would almost always start at 2 (the first dosage) and then go up by about 50% of the initial dosage with each additional dose in case the mouse was not knocked out after the first injection.

“CofficientX” column represents the coefficient of Xylozine by which the weight of a mouse was multiplied when getting the amount of Xylozine to be injected into a mouse.


Filtered Data

Since in this analysis my question is not about the correct initial amount dosage but rather what is a probability of death of a mouse after additional dosages, all of the mice which had only the first dosage administered (CoefficientK = 2) were filtered out. ‘CoefficientX’ was not taken into account either. Since Xylozine is used for muscle relaxation and not for analgesia, even if additional administration would cause the mouse to not move, it would not prevent it from feeling pain. For this reason, it would not be added repeatedly, in contrast to Ketamine, after the first dosage amount of the Ketamine/Xylazine cocktail has already been administered.

Analysis2 <- filter(Analysis, CoefficientK > 2)
Analysis2<- select(Analysis2, "Mouse", "CoefficientK", "Death")
Mouse CoefficientK Death
1 2.1 0
3 2.7 0
4 3 0
5 4 0
6 3 0
8 3 0
9 3 0
10 4 0
12 3 0
15 4.8 1
16 2.667 0
18 3 0
20 3 0
21 3 0
26 4 1
30 2.668 0
34 3 0
35 3 0
45 3.6 0
46 3 0
47 3 0
50 3 0
51 3 0
52 3 0
53 3 1
54 3 0
56 3 0


Since in this study I am interested in how the probability (\(\pi_i\)) of death changes given the observed Ketamine dosage coefficient, the following Logistic Regression model is going to be used:

Note: “Simple Logistic Regression is used when the response variable is binary (\(Y_i=0\) or \(1\)), and there is a single explanatory variable \(X\) that is typically quantitative but could be qualitative (if \(X\) is binary or ordinal)”(Garrett Saunders). In our case mouse’s death is the binary response variable and the Ketamine dosage coefficient is the quantitative explanatory variable.

\[ P(Y_i = 1|x_i) = \frac{e^{\beta_0+\beta_1 x_i}}{1+e^{\beta_0 + \beta_1 x_i}} = \pi_i \] where for observation \(i\):

If \(\beta_1\) in the above model equals zero, that would mean that \(x_i\) gives us no insight about \(\pi_i\) (0*\(x_i\) = 0, which drops \(x_i\) coefficient from the equation completely). Thus we can set the following hypotheses:

\[ H_0: \beta_1 = 0 \\ H_a: \beta_1 \neq 0 \]

where, the alternative hypothesis suggests that Ketamine dosage coefficient (\(x_i\)) can help in calculating the probability of the death of a mouse, and the null that it cannot.

The level of significance is set at \(\alpha\) = 0.05 for this study.


Let’s first see if our data resembles the Logistic Regression mathematical model and can be used for this test to get an insight into the aforementioned question.

Here is the plot of our data:

plot(Death~CoefficientK, data = Analysis2,  pch=16, main = "Institute of Physiology\nAnesthesia of Adult Mice", xlab = "Ketamine Dosage Coefficient for a Body of Weight of a Mouse", ylab = "Probability of Mouse's Death", col ="firebrick")
curve(exp(-2.911+0.4286*x)/(1+exp(-2.911+0.4286*x)), add = TRUE)

From the plot above we can see that the dots at the bottom of the plot seem to be closer to the beginning of the x-axis values, whereas the dots at the top of the plot seem to be shifted more towards the end values of the x-axis. This somewhat reminds us of a logistic regression model. To further confirm that the data is appropriate for the Logistic Regression Test, let’s run the Hosmer-Lemeshow Goodness of Fit Test (since we have only a few replicated values of each \(x_i\)) with g (number of groups to run the goodness of fit test on) = 3 (since our sample size is not big (n=27)).

pander(hoslem.test(myglm$y, myglm$fitted, g=3))
Hosmer and Lemeshow goodness of fit (GOF) test: myglm$y, myglm$fitted
Test statistic df P value
0.09406 1 0.7591

Since p-value > \(\alpha\), we have insufficient evidence to reject the null or the statement that the data is a good fit for the logistic regression test. This means that we can conclude that this data is a good fit for this type of test and will give us some valid results.

With that, let’s run the Simple Logistic Regression Test:

Simple Logistic Regression Test on Ketamine Dosage for Anesthesia in Adult Mice
  Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -11.33 4.678 -2.422 0.01542
CoefficientK 2.725 1.29 2.112 0.03466

Since our p-value = 0.03466<\(\alpha\), we can conclude that \(\beta_1 \neq 0\). This means that there is a certain association between the probability of a mouse’s death and the amount of Ketamine that was injected. In other words, the probability of a mouse’s death is higher for certain values of the Ketamine dosage coefficient than for other values of the Ketamine dosage coefficient. In addition, the true probability of death from the additional Ketamine dosages for the whole adult mice population can be computed with the following equation:

\[ P(Y_i = 1|x_i)\approx \frac{e^{-11.33+2.725 x_i}}{1+e^{-11.33 + 2.725 x_i}} = \hat{\pi}_i \] where,

\(b_0\) = -11.33 is an estimate of \(\beta_0\) of the true equation for the whole population; \(b_1\) = 2.725 is an estimate of \(\beta_1\) of the true equation for the whole population;

To get a better idea of what this all means exactly, with the help of some algebra, let’s rewrite the above equation slightly:

\[ \underbrace{\frac{\pi_i}{1-\pi_i}}_{\text{Odds for}\ Y_i=1} = e^{-11.33}e^{2.725 x_i} \]

Show how the above equation was found(click to view)

This equation brings us to a concept of ‘odds’, so that now we could better interpret what \(b_0\) = -11.33 and \(b_1\) = 2.725 represent in the above equation.

Show explanation on ‘odds’(click to view)

Using the rewritten Linear Regression equation, if \(x_i\) = 0 (meaning no Ketamine was injected into a mouse), the odds of a mouse to die are almost zero:

\[ odds = e^{-11.33}e^{2.725 *0} = e^{-11.33}e^{0}=e^{-11.33} *1= 0.000012007 \]

However, if, for example, the Ketamine dosage coefficient equals 1 then the odds of a mouse’s death grow to 0.00018:

\[ odds = e^{-11.33}e^{2.725 *1} = e^{-11.33}e^{2.725}=0.000012007 *15.25641= 0.0001831837 \]

This means that the odds of a mouse’s death are increasing by a factor of \(e^{2.725}\)=15.25641 when the Ketamine dosage coefficient goes up by 1. In other words, every one unit increase in \(x_i\) increases the odds of death by a factor of 15.25641. So each 1 unit increase in the Ketamine dosage makes a mouse 15 more times likely to die.


To answer our initial question of when one should stop injecting Ketamine after the first dosage was not enough to knock out a mouse, let’s use the Logistic Equation that we found earlier. In my opinion, as soon as the probability exceeded 50%, that’s probably the point when we should have stopped injecting more Ketamine and have preserved the animal for other purposes to prevent its pointless death. So, using \(\hat{\pi}_i\) = 0.5, we will get the following equation:

\[ \frac{0.5}{1 -0.5} = {e^{-11.33+2.725 x_i}} \]

Show the calculations(click to view)

which will give us \(x_i\approx\) 4.16.

If we use R to predict the probability of a mouse’s death when \(x_i\) = 4.16, we get the following:

predict(myglm, data.frame(CoefficientK=4.16), type='response')
##         1 
## 0.5006428

Which confirms the calculations we did earlier.

From our data, we used a coefficient of 4 or greater only on 4 mice out of 56 total. Only 2 out of those died:

Mouse CoefficientK Death
5 4 0
10 4 0
15 4.8 1
26 4 1

If I would not have proceeded with the 3rd repeated injection (CoefficientK=4), I would have been able to save those two. However, I would have put away the other two (mice 5 and 10), although they would have been just fine with the 3rd repeated injection. So, in sum, we are saving two mice’s lives and then losing Ketamine we have used for another two in vain in our experiment. However, if the coefficient is slightly greater (4.16>4.0), this puts us at a 100% death rate in our data (mouse 15). So, having a Coefficient that exceeds 4.16 as a stopping point seems to be a good rule of thumb.

Even though this coefficient would have saved just 1 mouse out of 56 during the time of my internship, in the long run, using this rule by all researchers could potentially save thousands, if not millions. Instead of losing both Ketamine and a mouse’s life in vain, it would only be Ketamine, which is way cheaper and way less upsetting than losing a mouse too.



