Student: “How do I learn R?”

Teacher: “By using it.”

Student: “But I don’t know how to use it.”

Teacher: “Just try it anyway. Suddenly you’ll understand.”

Most people that are new to using the “R Software” ask the question, “How do I learn R?” The answer is simple: “start using it.” Really. Seriously. Just start using it, even when you have no idea what you are doing, and suddenly you will start to learn R. So, here we go. The more you use it, the more you will know.

This textbook (the “Statistics-Notebook”) follows a simple learning model:

  1. Hover your mouse over codeYes, just like that. By hovering over “Codes” you will get instructions on what that code does. to read about it.
  2. Click on a line of codeHovering is a good start, try clicking on this one. to see what it does.
  3. Try typing the code into RStudio yourself to actually start learning R. (This is the most important step! Avoid copying and pasting codes, and type them instead. The more you type codes yourself, even though it is slow and prone to mistakes, the more you will learn.)

In summary, the most successful students in Math 325 follow the pattern:

Example Codes

For each of the following examples: (1) hover, (2) click, and (3) try.

Before you begin working on these Example Codes, ensure you have RStudio open. It should look like this:

Example 1

Remember, “Hover” the code first, then click, then try.

View( The “View” R function (with a CAPTIAL ‘V’ in View) allows us to view a data set. When run, this function will open up a new tab in RStudio showing the data set. cars cars is a data set that is in R. R has datasets that are available for anyone to use. You can see them using the data() command. It would be good to explore View() for a few different datasets. ) Always be sure to end your function with closing parantheses.     
Press Enter to run the code.
 Click to Show Tutorial  Click to see a full tutorial on the “View()” command.

Example 2

mean( An R function “mean()” that will compute the mean of a quantitative column of data from a data set. cars cars is the name of a data set in R. Any data set can be used instead by simply typing the name of that data set instead of cars. $ The $ sign is a powerful operator in R. The $ sign allows you to access, or “purchase,” any column from a data set. Try typing cars$ into R and notice how a selection menu appears with options dist and speed. dist dist is one of the two columns from the cars data set. By typing cars$dist we are essentially pulling that column of data out of the data set, and then computing the mean of that column with mean(cars$dist). ) Closing parenthesis for the mean() function.     
Press Enter to run the code.
 Click to Show Output  Click to see output.

Example 3

plot( The plot(...) function allows us to create a plot (usually a scatterplot) in R. dist dist is the name of a column from the cars data set. This is going to be the Y-variable of the plot. The Y-variable always comes first in the plot(Y ~ X) command.  ~  ~ is found on the upper-left key of your keyboard. It is called the “tilde” or “tilda” symbol. It is used to state a relationship between Y and X: Y ~ X. speed speed is the name of a column. This is going to be the X-variable of the plot. The X-variable always comes after the ~ in the plot(Y ~ X) command. The comma , is used to separate each entry within a command. data=cars The data= statement is used to tell R which data set the columns of “dist” and “speed” come from. In this case, the cars data set. The comma , is used to separate each entry within a command. col=“skyblue” The col= statement is used to tell R which color to use in the plot. Type colors() in your R Console to see what options there are. This code is using the "skyblue" color. Color names are always placed in quotes " ". The comma , is used to separate each entry within a command. pch=16 The pch= statement is used to tell R which plotting character to use in the plot. Type ?pch in your R Console to see what options there are. (You’ll need to scroll down in the help file that appears until you get to the 'pch values' section. ) Closing parenthesis for the plot(…) function.     
Press Enter to run the code.
 Click to Show Output  Click to View Output.

This is “the end” of the Getting Started tutorial. To find the “completion code” you will need to study, and “click open” each of the example codes above.