Case Study 13: Finish well


Your case study and weekly tasks will provide time to makes sure you have wrapped up the class and get set for a great future in data science. Make sure you have address all the end of semester items.

Please write your cover letter to me about the class that uses the syllabus to justify your grade. Your resume would be in the format you would provide to a job or internship.


This reading will help you complete the tasks below.


  • [ ] Join the BYUI Data Science LinkedIn, GitHub, and Slack groups and make sure your picture is placed in your profile.
  • [ ] A cover letter to me stating the key concepts and techniques that you learned during our projects and your goals to continue learning in this area - include a grade request that represents your knowledge and task completion
  • [ ] A current resume that includes the skills you have learned during our projects which you would submit to any future jobs
  • [ ] A semester task form that records your completed tasks during the semester (electronic)
  • [ ] Semester project submission on GitHub
  • [ ] Submit this material electronically to your repository and schedule a visit with me