Github and Math/CS 335

J. Hathaway

Becoming the Critic.

Visualization of the Day

GitHub and Git

Really do I have to learn Git and GitHub

2015 Wired Magazine Article

  • GitHub now boasts almost 9 million registered users. Each month, about 20 million others visit without registering. … among the top 100 most popular sites on earth.
  • everyone hosts their open source projects on GitHub, including Google, Facebook, Twitter, and even Microsoft.
  • the site as a kind of bazaar that offers just about any piece of code you might want-and so much of it free. “If you need something, you just go to GitHub,” he says. “You will find it there.”

Making sure we are all on the same page

Let’s take a few minutes to make sure everyone is up to date with the following tasks.

Class Task 4 Checklist

  • Install git on your computer
  • Create a GitHub account
  • Work through readings on git and github

Free private repos

The Github Mentality

The workflow

Github and R-Studio

Class Task Items

  • Get GitHub working properly
    • Create an account
    • Accept invitations to group and repository
  • Open R-Studio and try the git process using the graphical user interface (GUI).
    • Clone repository
    • Edit your and push changes

Learning, Slack, & Stack Overflow

RuPaul on Learning

Your fear of looking stupid is making you look stupid.

Hillel the Elder


How do you get people to percieve you are smart?


This space is for us to build a team and support each other. This is where we learn to ask questions and reach out for support and quick responses.

Stack Overflow

Stack Overflow


Class Details

  1. Ramping up (week 1)
  2. Replicating (week 2)
  3. Creating (weeks 3 - 12)

dplyr and ggplot2 coding