Finding names

J. Hathaway


Case Study 7: Counting names in scripture

Take 10 minutes to brainstorm with your table what the data inputs are and what visualizations you would like to create?

  • What mutations or summaries will you need to do?
  • What difficulties do you expect?
  • Do each of the task items make sense?

Task 14: Counting Words and Occurrences

Planning Case Study 7

Making A Plan

Mapping out the coding challenge

In your tables:

  • Read the case study and write a one sentence statement of what you would like to do
  • Think up two or three ideas of things you would like to do to go above and beyond
  • Mock up what your final data may need to look like
    • What columns do you need to make a good visualization?
    • What will an observation be in your new data?
  • Write pseudo code that would get you to an answer

Loops for what?

Making the loop (challenge)

The challenge:

  1. Use the savior names list and write out how you would use a for loop to find/break this one verse into chunks to get a word count between each chunk.
  2. How would you do it to get the savior name that was at the end of each chunk as well?

2 Nephi 25:16

Making the loop (code)

  • Now just use this verse to run your for loop

Case Study 7

Deliverable Update

This task is a challenge. It has potential to bring the some of you to your knees. After 4-hours of working on the challenge you can stop and then spend 1/2 hour writting up how you were going to tackle the task and what you learned.