Google Search

How to effectively use Google as a resource.

Written by 250 TA Audrey Mae Moncada.

It is impossible to remember everything about programming in your head, and the internet is the biggest help library out there.

First, identify the language and library you are using.

Specifying the language and library in your Google search is a great place to start. For example: in CSE250 we use Python, and rely heavily on the Pandas library for data manipulation.

Let’s say you want to replace null (missing) values or correct misspelled values in your data set. This is common data science task that can be done using many different languages and libraries. For CSE250, we would want to start our search with “python pandas”.

Second, minimize the search by using keywords.

You can use specific function names to get better search results. Using the example above, we could search for “python pandas replace”.

This will give you the documentation for the replace function from the Pandas library in Python language. Notice the pattern we used to search: name of language, name of library, name of function.

If you don’t know the name of function you need to use, try describing what action you want to take. Searching “python pandas fill null values” or “python pandas fix spelling” will also give you good results.

If you can’t find what you need, try improving your keywords!

After looking at the results for the search “python pandas fix spelling”, I might learn that text is saved as a “string” type in Pandas data sets. I could then adjust my search to say “python pandas fix spelling strings”. You should also try changing the verbs you use. You could try “python pandas edit strings”.

For each new search you try, skim the first 5 results and see if you learn any helpful keywords. Repeat this process until you find the answer you need.

Third, understand examples.

Knowing how to quickly and efficiently find what you are looking for is better than simply knowing everything in your head, which can get outdated! Technology is always changing and the latest information is available on the web.

Most answers you find online (such as official documentation, a tutorial, or a Stack Overflow answer) will include a code example. Viewing examples and understanding the syntax is the first step of us utilizing the code.

If you are reading documentation for a function, scroll to the very bottom of the page. You should see examples there. Take time to read the examples and differentiate what each example is showing. Most documentation pages show many examples of how to use a single function. Find the example that best fits your needs.

If you are reading a tutorial or online forum answer, make sure you understand the example before you copy and paste it! If you are not sure what the code example is doing, try asking for help on Slack or in the data science lab.

Searching for answers to error messages.

Note that even the biggest tech industries out there will have a never-ending number of bugs and errors. No wonder why we have software updates for security. Programming is a career all about trying to minimize your mistakes. In the beginning it is often syntax and logical complications, then we will be faced with bugs.

I recommend signing up on Stack Overflow. After college, you will likely want an account and save threads that will help you throughout your career.

I recommend reading the error message very slowly and looking for any clues about what went wrong. When searching online for help, include the same exact error message in your search query to get results specific to how to resolve or address the error. There will be tons of solutions out there. If not, post your a question on Stack Overflow or go ask a tutor in the data science lab. The tutors that work there want to help you.

This website has additional tips and tricks for using Google effectively.