Day 25: Resumes and Coding Challenges

What the fork?

Now is time for you to find a partner that will edit your resume. You are going to want to keep the same partner.

  1. Each of you fork the other student’s repository that has edits.
  2. Now, you want to clone that forked repository to your computer.
  3. On your local version of the forked repository, do the following;
    A. Create a new file called and save it in the main folder or the repository.
    B. Make a few recommendations or notes about what each of you discussed about your resumes in the file.
    C. add, commit, push your edits.
    D. Go to the forked repo on GitHub and check to see if the file is in yours.
  4. Now, create a pull request to get your edits into your partner’s original repo.

On Data Science Resumes
undergraduate ds resumes
Hathaway’s resume

Creating a fork on byuids-resumes

Questions on resumes (open time to finalize your resume)

Coding Challenge Example

I will ask you to complete coding about as challenging as what is shown below. Plus, you will need to fit a Machine Learning model with data I provide. Remember, you will only have 60 minutes.

Practice Challenge

import pandas as pd
import altair as alt
import numpy as np

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn import tree
from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingClassifier
from sklearn import metrics

dat = pd.read_csv('')

  1. Try recreating this chart using the mtcars missing.
  • Note that hp has missing values, and you will have to replace them with the mean.
  • Please drop all cars with a missing name.

  1. Try writing code to recreate the following table.
  • Have cyl on the rows and carb on the columns
  • Each value shows the counts of each.

The pivot_table function could prove valuable as well as groupby and agg.

  1. I will also ask you to fit a Machine Learning Model as well.