Day 6: Telling the story of names.

Coding Methods and Calculation Questions

Let’s review canvas and make sure we understand the checkpoints.

Partner Programming Activity

How does your name at your birth year compare to its use historically?

To be truthful and revealing, data graphics must bear on the question at the heart of quantitative thinking: “Compared to what?” The emaciated, data-thin design should always provoke suspicion, for graphics often lie by omission, leaving out data sufficient for comparisons. Edward Tufte

There is a clear first choice, but I think there are a few other choices that could provide insight.

  1. filter the data down to your names (query)
  2. select the pertinent columns (filter())
  3. Create a new data object for your name.
base = (alt.Chart()

  1. Create a DataFrame with x, y, and label as columns. help
  • Can you include total and data for the state in which you were born?
  • Work together to make the code as eloquent as possible.
  • compound charts
  • Can you include Total and your birth state?
  • Is there a better metric than raw counts that you could calculate?
  • Are there good labels that you could include on the chart (mark_text())?

Just use your state count our the Total count for your name.