Week 12-13: Project 6 - Git, Github, and Resumes
Day 26: Open Time
Day 25: Resumes and Coding Challenges
Day 24: If you commit, I will push you
Day 23: Git and Github
Week 10-11: Project 5 - The War with Star Wars
Day 22: The 20% for ML
Day 21: May the ML columns be with you
Day 20: Star Wars and strings
Day 19: The war with Star Wars
Week 8-9: Project 4 - Predicting House Age
Day 18: Predicting old homes
Day 17: Validating our ML model
Day 16: Using scikit-learn for machine learning
Day 15: Understanding the Pavlov in Machine Learning
Week 6-7: Project 3 - Baseball
Day 14: The end of Baseball
Day 13: How do I check my SQL work?
Day 12: We should join together in our SQL calculations
Day 11: Sometimes the SQL is better
Week 4-5: Project 2 - Flights
Day 10: Exporting JSON
Day 9: Real world replacement.
Day 8: Using pandas to handling missingness.
Day 7: Is JSON missing?
Week 2-3: Project 1 - Names
Day 6: Telling the story of names.
Day 5: Making your name stand out.
Day 4 Seeing names with Altair
Day 3: Learning names with pandas
Week 1: Introduction
Day 2: Python for DS Introduction
Day 1: Introduction
Week 1: Introduction
Introduction Project
Updated on 15 Sep 2020
Day 3: Learning names with pandas
Day 2: Python for DS Introduction