CSE 250 Competency

We need skills not grades! Shifting Attention

Competency scale

You must complete all competency items at the level detailed to achieve the listed grade. You can request half-step adjustments if you fall slightly short or over on some elements.

You will need to provide a detailed description in your request and review letter of the items you completed to support your grade request. If a student was in the B range they might write the following;

I got three fives, one four, and two threes for 29 points on the projects. I met the checkpoint requirements with 4 full mark mid-project checkpoints and 4 methods and calculation checkpoints. I regularly attended data science society. I believe my coding challenge will be above a 3. I request a B+.

Leader (A)

Projects34 Points5 points per project
Mid-project checkpoints5 completedFull credit
Methods & Calculations checkpoints6 completed100% unlimited attempts
DS CommunityComplete all
Request and review lettersubmission
Coding challengeAt least 3Score is out of 4

See the competency descriptions in the next section. You can request half-step adjustments if you fall slightly short or over on some elements.

Supporter (B)

Projects29 Points5 points per project
Mid-project checkpoints3 completedFull credit
Methods & Calculations checkpoints5 completed100% unlimited attempts
DS CommunityComplete 2 items
Request and review lettersubmission
Coding challengeAt least 3Score is out of 4

See the competency descriptions in the next section. You can request half-step adjustments if you fall slightly short or over on some elements.

Listener (C)

Projects24 Points5 points per project
Mid-project checkpoints3 completedFull credit
Methods & Calculations checkpoints3 completed100% unlimited attempts
DS CommunityComplete 1 item
Request and review lettersubmission
Coding challengeAt least 2Score is out of 4

See the competency descriptions in the next section. You can request half-step adjustments if you fall slightly short or over on some elements.

Asleep (D)

Projects14 Points5 points per project
Mid-project checkpoints1 completedFull credit
Methods & Calculations checkpoints2 completed100% unlimited attempts
DS CommunityNone
Request and review letterNone
Coding challengeNoneScore is out of 4

See the competency descriptions in the next section. You can request half-step adjustments if you fall slightly short or over on some elements.

Competency elements

Projects (Grand questions)

Each of the seven projects is worth 5 points and you get one additional submission after the due date. There are 5 two-week projects and two one-week projects to start and end the class.

Grading Details
  • 1 point: Submission
  • 3 points: submission of a good faith attempt with a statement of work quality.
  • 4 points: High-quality work that addresses each of the Grand Questions and a statement of work quality.
  • 5 points: Addressed reviewer issues and completion of resubmission if needed.

Checkpoints (methods and calculations)

These checkpoints are in Canvas and they open when the project starts. They have unlimited attempts and remain open until the end of the semester.

  • Fact-Finding Questions (Calculate descriptive summaries): Fact-finding questions help you with calculations that build into the Grand Questions of the project. These questions have clearly defined answers using Python calculations. You should expect 2-3 problems.
  1. Example: Using the top 10 airports in size, what is the average size?
  2. Example: What proportion of flights are delayed at the largest airport?
  • How the code works questions (Explaining the tools): This part could have direct answer questions or open-ended questions.
  1. Example (direct): What is the recommended function for arranging your data by a variable? What are the outputs after using <FUNCTION>?
  2. Example (open): Your client has shown some confusion about NumPy’s ‘nan’ handling in Python. Help them understand by answering the question, ‘How is missing data handled in Pandas?’

Checkpoints (Mid-project status)

The mid-project checkpoint has a few questions. It opens the first day of the project and closes at 1 am on the 3rd day of class for the project. It has the following questions.

  1. Have you checked off more than one grand question from the current project? (Yes/No)
  2. Have you spent at least 2 hours using code to tackle problems related to the case study? (Yes/No).
  3. Have you prepared questions you have about the case study to ask in your next meeting? (Yes/No).

Data science community

  1. Attend data science society at least once during the semester.
  2. Register to get a regular email on topics related to data science.
BYU-I Data Science Society

The society meets on Wednesdays at 6:00 pm in the STC. It starts the second Wednesday of the semester.

Register for a newsletter

Here are a few examples.

Finishing the semester

Submit a request and review letter that includes what you have learned from this class, the next data science course you plan on taking, and the final grade that you are requesting based on the work you have submitted.

Coding challenge

We will have an in-class coding challenge on the ultimate or penultimate day of class. It would be best if you did not view this challenge like a traditional exam. It will cover the general techniques that we have been practicing throughout the course.

We expect to have a few practice challenges throughout the semester. We will score the coding challenge on a four-point scale.

  • 1 point: At least you tried.
  • 2 points: You have learned some items from the course, but your work in the coding challenge is deficient.
  • 3 points: Your submission uses proper coding techniques and addresses the objective.
  • 4 points: Exceptional work. Your code can be used as a solution to share with others.