SQL for Data Science

We will be using data.world as our remote server. They have a Python package that we will use to connect to their environment and process our SQL commands.

Baseball Instructions for data.world

To access the data, complete the following steps:

  1. Make an account on data.world and click on the join now
  2. Install the data.world Python package using pip install datadotworld or pip3 install datadotworld (see the package installation help)
  3. The data.world package needs your API token in order to query data. In the console, type dw configure and then entire your API token when prompted.
  4. Follow the link provided in your terminal to get your API token (https://data.world/settings/advanced).
  5. Paste the token into your terminal.
  6. If you are on Windows and dw configure doesn’t work, see below for guidance.

You are now ready to query the baseball relational database. This data dictionary will tell you what tables are available and help you understand the relationships between tables.

Here is an example showing the first 5 rows of the AllstarFull table. Note that when using dw.query the first argument will always be byuidss/cse-250-baseball-database and the second argument will be your SQL query.

import datadotworld as dw

results = dw.query('byuidss/cse-250-baseball-database', 
    'SELECT * FROM allstarfull LIMIT 5')


dw configure issues

Some Windows users will not be able to use dw configure. You will get an error such as

dw : The term 'dw' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, 
script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if 
a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
At line:1 char:1

If you get this issue, you can manually create the config file in the right location on your computer to get the datadotworld python package to work.

  1. Make sure you have your Folder view settings changed so you can see File name extensions and Hidden items.
  2. Navigate to C:/Users/<YOURUSER>/ and create a folder .dw if it isn’t already there.
  3. In that folder, create a config file with no extension.
  4. Open that config file in VS code.
  5. Put the following information in the config file and save.
auth_token = eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJwcm9kLXVzZXI