Munging data

Intro to cleaning movies data

Link to the data

This skill builder focuses on munging (formatting) data into a machine learning ready dataset. We will be using an IMDB Ratings dataset. It contains columns that are categorical. Sklearn cannot handle columns that are strings, so we need to convert these into a numerical representation. We accomplish this by either one hot encoding, label encoding, or taking just one value of the range provided. There are many other ways to represent these columns as numbers, but they are beyond the scope of this course.

Once you’ve converted all columns to numeric, in an intelligent way, you will be asked to recreate a graph using altair. Here is the head of the data you will be working with. Enjoy!

star_rating content_rating genre duration box_office_rev major_hit
9.3 R Crime 142 €1924521976 - €1925521976 no
9.2 R Crime 175 €177034987 - €178034987 no
9.1 R Crime 200 €2617541398 - €2618541398 no
9 PG-13 Action 152 €996115723 - €997115723 no
8.9 R Crime 154 €1172054364 - €1173054364 no


Link to csv file: ...

Exercise 0

  • Grab the high range value for each movie and put it into a new column called high_range_rev.
    • Make sure the data type of this new column is numeric!!
  • Remove the box_office_rev column from the dataset.

The .str.split() and .astype() methods might be of use! Also, to get the euro sign just copy it from here, €, and put it in your code.

The first 5 rows of the resulting dataframe should look like this

star_rating content_rating genre duration major_hit high_range_rev
9.3 R Crime 142 no 2345444803
9.2 R Crime 175 no 2182412593
9.1 R Crime 200 no 1604872807
9 PG-13 Action 152 no 284317976
8.9 R Crime 154 yes 1791932201

Exercise 1

Convert the major_hit column to 1/0’s. yes -> 1 and no -> 0. Again, there are several ways to accomplish this. Using our old friend np.where is probably the easiest though.

The first 5 rows of the resulting dataframe should like this

star_rating content_rating genre duration major_hit high_range_rev
9.3 R Crime 142 0 1925521976
9.2 R Crime 175 0 178034987
9.1 R Crime 200 0 2618541398
9 PG-13 Action 152 0 997115723
8.9 R Crime 154 0 1173054364

Exercise 2

Convert the content_rating column using label encoding. We’re using label encoding in this case because the movie ratings already have a natural ordering to them. We will replace each rating with a number in it’s natural ascending order.

To be more specific, here is how we will do it.

  • G: 0
  • PG: 1
  • PG-13: 2
  • R: 3

A dictionary and the .map() method could be useful for this exercise. There are other ways of tackling this problem though. Be creative!

The first 5 rows of the resulting dataframe should look like

star_rating content_rating genre duration major_hit high_range_rev
9.3 3 Crime 142 0 1925521976
9.2 3 Crime 175 0 178034987
9.1 3 Crime 200 0 2618541398
9 2 Action 152 0 997115723
8.9 3 Crime 154 0 1173054364

Exercise 3

The last column that we need to take care of is genre. We will use one hot encoding for this. Make sure to ONLY one hot encode the genre column!

A useful function for one hot encoding is pd.get_dummies(). I recommend checking out the documentation.

The resulting dataframe should look like the following example; don’t worry if your high_range_rev column turned into scientific notation—Pandas does this sometimes.

star_rating content_rating duration major_hit high_range_rev genre_Action genre_Adventure genre_Animation genre_Biography genre_Comedy genre_Crime genre_Drama genre_Family genre_Fantasy genre_Horror genre_Mystery genre_Sci-Fi genre_Thriller genre_Western
0 9.3 3 142 0 1.92552e+09 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 9.2 3 175 0 1.78035e+08 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 9.1 3 200 0 2.61854e+09 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 9 2 152 0 9.97116e+08 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 8.9 3 154 0 1.17305e+09 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Exercise 4

Recreate this graph as best you can. You’ll need to use the original data that specifies the actual rating.