Resumes and Cover Letters


For Case Study 8: Do you want to be a data scientist? you need to submit a resume, references you used to build your resume, and a cover letter. Each being no longer than one page.


Here are the links to help you with your resume.

You are writing a ‘dream resume’ as a graduating data science major from BYU-I. Not a resume on your current skills. Here are example resumes of BYU-I data science students..

Grading: I am going to grade you on finding the correct elements to have as well as the layout, look, and feel of your resume. You are trying to get a job with this resume, not just turn in an assignment.

Resume reference material

As you read through the links and resumes in the previous slide, keep a page of notes. Good links, good tips, other advice. This page needs to be submitted as well.

Cover Letter

This letter is no more than a page. It should address items related to the following.

  1. What you learned from the class.
  2. Things you would change about the class.
  3. Things you really liked about the class.
  4. Your favorite topic from Good Reads.
  5. Your favorite concept from statistics reading.
  6. What you like about Tableau.